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TOOGAM's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
39 votes

One of my student researchers is likely falsifying some results/data. What are the consequences?

11 votes

Accidently gave essay notes to a classmate

9 votes

Should I email old supervisor about my progress?

9 votes

How to adopt flipped classroom strategies without student complaints?

9 votes

Why do some instructors care so much about attendance?

8 votes

"Garbage in, garbage out" - Is it rude to call others' works as 'garbage' compared to ours?

7 votes

Designing a credit-by-examination exam

6 votes

Do academics look down on well-designed academic websites?

6 votes

Slept through final, professor is giving me a zero and failing me – is there anything I can do to change this?

6 votes

What to do when your student is convinced that he will be the next Einstein?

5 votes

Discouraged from giving A's, but students are doing excellent work, what can a professor do?

5 votes

Any ethical problems with dating a former student?

4 votes

Why attend predatory colleges in the US?

3 votes

In case of in-lecture quizzes, is it unreasonable to fail students who are late or absent?

3 votes

Effective way to deal with misuse of mobile devices in class

3 votes

Is it ok to go on a swim with your colleagues while on a conference?

3 votes

Dr. ‹First Name›: a good nickname or a "professional cancer"?

3 votes

Is a professor required to provide homework solutions?

3 votes

How to deal with an inappropriate greeting in an email?

2 votes

What's a good way to prevent students from saying I lost their paper?

2 votes

Is it unreasonable to expect students to read the lecture notes before attending the first class?

2 votes

How to deal with dramatic drop in grade due to strict attendance policy

2 votes

Can a syllabus be adopted and modified?

2 votes

Attending lectures for a course I already passed?

1 vote

Is it ethical to use a recommendation letter from a deceased professor?

1 vote

GPA rounding 2.498 to 2.5. How ethical is this?

1 vote

How do I handle a colleague's gender change when citing their paper?

1 vote

How do teachers learn to grade?

1 vote

Would it be rude to ask a famous professor who doesn't know me personally for a recommendation letter if I have published in a high ranking journal?

1 vote

Should I tell students that it's my first time teaching the course?