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Count Iblis's user avatar
Count Iblis's user avatar
Count Iblis
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
57 votes

What are the consequences of using Sci-Hub?

22 votes

Other students can easily cheat on a test and the grading system is relative - should I cheat, and what else can I do?

20 votes

Is it possible to submit a paper to a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal without a PhD and get it accepted?

17 votes

I was pushed to submit a mediocre paper to a conference. To my surprise it was accepted. How to save face?

13 votes

How can I decline the request to help a fellow student cheat?

9 votes

Why do major international universities still have courses in languages other than English?

9 votes

How to avoid sleeping in lectures?

8 votes

Can I add a baby as a co-author of a scientific paper, to protest against co-authors who haven't made any contribution?

8 votes

What is the appropriate response to students who peek at the exam questions before the exam starts?

7 votes

Saying no to miscellaneous administrative tasks as a Grad student

6 votes

Is it acceptable to use Mathematica to derive results in your research?

5 votes

How do academics with teaching responsibilities, etc. find the time to do research?

5 votes

A student in my course does well on exams, but doesn't do the homework: Go easy on them, or make them "pay the price?"

5 votes

How to ask dumb questions

5 votes

Is it professional for a professor to ask "surprise" questions on a test?

5 votes

Can I be a good scientist if I only work in working hours?

5 votes

What to do when students answered more questions than instructed during an exam?

4 votes

Why does my advisor / professor discourage all collaboration?

4 votes

How to substantiate the claim that something is not known?

4 votes

Could not get along with any advisor, is it ego?

4 votes

How to deal with people looking at their mobile phone during my presentation?

4 votes

Two years into my PhD program, and Mom is dying of cancer. Should I tell my advisor about it?

4 votes

Our teacher is encouraging us to use cracked software

4 votes

Moderating online education forums: delete, snip or leave rudeness?

3 votes

How to regain lost focus?

3 votes

Should I seek professional help because I have a lot of math books?

3 votes

Co-author contributed almost nothing and is blocking publication

3 votes

Why do researchers sometimes use extremely complicated English sentences to convey their meaning?

3 votes

How to cope with lab noise?

3 votes

A university does not allow its employees to use its affiliation on papers done in spare time; how normal is that?