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tod's user avatar
tod's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
8 votes

How to react when professor wrongly corrects you in public?

4 votes

Difference between computer science MS and MCS

3 votes

Why do we pay to present at conferences?

2 votes

Conference with very few submissions

2 votes

Can I ask the author of the research paper to use his program in my research?

1 vote

Doing a PhD in physics after doing bachelors and masters in mathematics

1 vote

Is there a way to get a complete name bibliography from Scopus? How can I set my scrape, in that case?

1 vote

Can students bargain over admission date?

0 votes

Why is research assistantship decoupled from masters/phd program?

0 votes

While teaching how should I give justice equally to both female and male students?

-1 votes

Overcoming depression and getting back on rails with PhD work

-1 votes

Is there anything a student could or should do about a professor who gives lectures so dry that less than 10% of the class turn up?