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Deipatrous's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

Is it ethical to assign problem sets and not tell students which subset of problems will be graded?

2 votes

Falsely Accused of Cheating on a College Final

2 votes

Head of the department said statistics exams must be done without software, otherwise it's cheating. What can I do as a lecturer?

2 votes

Including a joke in an otherwise correct exam answer as the student

2 votes

As a post-doc applicant, should I address a professor by their first name in email after they addressed me that way?

2 votes

If I publish under a pseudonym, can I still take credit for my work?

2 votes

Decline fellowship offer after writing proposal together

1 vote

Negotiating mathematics postdoc salary when having an offer with higher salary

1 vote

How can a student stop/report conversations with a professor that make her uncomfortable, while avoiding negative consequences for the student?

1 vote

Should I simultaneously apply for multiple jobs in different ranks at the same university?

1 vote

How can I recover professionally from being a crank?

1 vote

What's better: paper rejected from a strong conference or a paper accepted into a weak conference?

1 vote

How do I ask instructors for more challenging and/or interesting homework?

1 vote

How much does the future career of a PhD student matter to the advisor?

1 vote

Do student reviews of teachers matter?

1 vote

I insulted a professor by using an anti-Semitic slur in a department seminar. How bad is this?

1 vote

How old is too old for a PhD?

1 vote

Claiming authorship for substantial work on a single-author-only paper

1 vote

How can I prove that I didn't plagiarize?

1 vote

A paper I received to review has (independently) duplicated work that we are writing up. How to proceed in light of peer-review confidentiality?

1 vote

Do I tell my teachers that I want them to change my seat because my classmates keep on telling me to sit next to them on exams and I can't say no?

1 vote

How to write two different proofs for the same theorem?

1 vote

Is it ethically justifiable to conceal a fatal conceptual flaw in a thesis to avoid an unaffordable 2-year setback if the flaw is the advisor's fault?

1 vote

Can one judge a Professor as researcher from his teaching in classes?

1 vote

What are the special measures to be taken into account by a lecturer in +100-student classes?

1 vote

What will be implications of not publishing officially?

1 vote

Should I tell my supervisor about my upcoming paper?

1 vote

How can I pass a statistics exam that overly relies on memorizing formulas?

1 vote

Is it normal to get an angry review that does not address any point of the work?

1 vote

What does a "major revision" mean?