A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
Questions about Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, a non-governmental accreditation organization.
In academia going abroad means attending a position to study, teach and/or do research in another country
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's contribution to the field.
Cruel and/or violent mistreatment of a person or animal in researches or academic places.
Questions about ceremonial academic dress, such as the "cap and gown" worn in many traditions at graduation and similar ceremonies. Use [outward-appearance] for questions about non-ceremonial clothin…
Concerning the freedom to research topics, publish papers and discuss findings free of external censorship or other pressure.
Regarding inquiries into the evolution and development of academia as an institution from a historical perspective.
Questions related to academic culture, academic communities, and the coexistence of "life" and "academia."
Concerning the external evaluation of an institution of higher learning by an accreditation authority.
On acknowledging an individual, agency, or institution that contributed funding, criticism, encouragement, or other support to a thesis or manuscript.
Questions relating to (ACM) The Association for Computing Machinery.
Questions concerning adjunct faculty, those with non-permanent, often part time, contractual positions with a university.
On the administration or running of an academic department or organization, or the people associated with this role. [administration] is mainly concerned with overseeing regular operations, while [gov…
The one who helps students to select courses or an academic major, engages in short-term and long-term educational planning, assists in preparing the thesis necessary to obtain the degree; or a person…
An affiliation is a contractual connection between an academic institution an a student or an employee.
On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in African countries, which differ in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.
Questions about how age of the researchers and applicants to higher education may affect their opportunities in academia and their research productivity.
"All but dissertation" (ABD) is an unofficial stage in the process of doctoral study at which the student has completed the coursework and other early milestones (such as the qualifying exam) but has …
Alternative metrics (alternative to scholarly citations) like blog mentions, views, downloads, or Tweets.
Questions about the alumni of the academic and research institutes.
Queries related to announcements on upcoming conferences, journals, etc.
Questions concerning systems where the identity of those involved is intended to be unknown, such as in double- or single-blind peer review.
On handling questions from students or from the audience of a lecture, seminar, thesis defense, or other presentation.
On standards or conventions specific to anthropology as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field
refers to the application process for an academic course or an academic employment.
For questions about cover letter attached to applications or curricula vitae for an academic position. This is not for cover letters for submissions to journals.
For questions about artificial intelligence as an academic field. Do NOT use for questions about the usage of generative AI in academia; use [generative-ai] instead.
arXiv is a pre-publication archive for academic papers.