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Queries related to universities, as an institution of higher education that grants academic degrees and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education.

7 votes

Why do you need to study a subject at a university level to teach it at a high school?

Another reason that has not been mentioned is that studying the type of math that deeply challenges your mathematical abilities is essential for developing humility and empathy for your students. If …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
1 vote

How to leave a collaborator after being offered to join a new group?

Make sure that if you are going to do this, it leaves him enough time to find a new group (assuming this is related to a class or an undergraduate/masters project and not a phd collaboration). Going b …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
7 votes

Nightmares and frustrations with students' sloppy homework

In my opinion you should lower your standards a bit, but make harsh deductions if they are not followed No pen is a bit strict, you could exchange it for no scratch marks. If they do a rough draft a …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
5 votes

Am I making a mistake by going to a "mid-tier" program?

The best students in "mid-tier" programs publish more than the average student in the most prestigious programs. There are many factors that help explain this. Happiness - being below average is quit …
WetlabStudent's user avatar