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On schools that award advanced academic degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees. This tag is mainly for questions about the structure and organization of a graduate school or the fundamental experience of being a graduate student. Do not use this tag for questions about research in graduate school (use [research] instead), coursework in graduate school (use [coursework]), gaining admissions to graduate school (use [graduate-admissions]), etc.

23 votes
3 answers

How to motivate speakers to give less specialized talks at a "colloquium?"

Our applied math department is beginning to have a serious attendance problem at our colloquium. The appropriate level for our colloquium is that any person with an undergraduate degree in a quantitat …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
7 votes

Getting a letter of recommendation from a new professor

An unestablished professor that knows you well, and writes a fantastic letter, is far better as a letter writer than a famous professor that will just write a generic "he was 3rd out of 38 students in …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
6 votes

How to handle an advisor who communicates badly and puts me in a bad position as a result?

Now I can't be certain that what I'm about to say applies to your advisor, but it does apply to many interactions. I've learned that with any advisor (given that you have adequately prepared yourself …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
5 votes

Am I making a mistake by going to a "mid-tier" program?

The best students in "mid-tier" programs publish more than the average student in the most prestigious programs. There are many factors that help explain this. Happiness - being below average is quit …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
4 votes

Is an Additional degree required to qualify myself for post doc/industry position outside my...

Is it reasonable (your original question), yes. Is it necessary to get the job you want, probably not! "Requirements" for a job are often just loose guidelines, and in some cases are used to scare un …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
3 votes

To what extent do visit weekends impact graduate school applicant's final decisions?

Advisor/program fit is by far the most important aspect of choosing a graduate school. Visit weeks can both help or hinder a prospective student from obtaining this essential fit information. Below is …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
2 votes

Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization graduate programs

You should consider applying to "Operations Research", "Computer science", and "Applied Math" programs (note applied math and not math), all of which can potentially have concentrations in your desire …
WetlabStudent's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to receive private tutoring for graduate-level courses from faculty members?

I'm going to provide a completely different perspective, mainly based on your comment "Well, I would say in a class of 16 students, I spoke to 7 of them about this issue (at different times) and most …
WetlabStudent's user avatar