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Concerning how to format content in academic writing.

28 votes

When and why should you write numbers less than 10 in words?

Many style manuals will have specific requirements regarding when to express a number as numerals or in words. APA Style The APA version 6 style manual has an entire section starting from 4.31 on ho …
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
1 vote

Should all subsections of a paper start on a new page?

In general, publishers (e.g., books, journal articles) and universities (e.g., theses) have style guides. They vary in the degree to which they provide comprehensive recommendations (e.g., about exact …
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
1 vote

Where to place tables/figures in APA style dissertation

In general, you should read any specific guidelines for thesis formatting provided by your institution. …
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is a concise citation format for grant proposals given constraints on page counts?

Many grant applications have page limits. They also often allow the writer to chose their preferred format for references. Thus, I was wondering: What is a good concise referencing system that mini …
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar