This is hard to say. I lack any first-hand experiences, so I need to rely on vague cues. There are some good signs for them not being predatory, though, such as the following:

 - Their [Twitter account][1] shows that they have a relatively large following with a high degree of community engagement, being tagged by influential researchers and institutions such as *the Physics Magazine* (of the *American Physical Society*) etc. This indicates that they are taken seriously within a larger scholarly community. (However, their main account [@theSAIorg][2] seems to be inactive.)

- Most of their [editorial board members][3] seem to know how to publish well.

 - They deposit metadata at *CrossRef*, according to a search for the publisher "Science and Information Organization" in [CrossRef's Title List][4]. (But then again, according to the discussion [here][5], there are notorious predatory publishers that do the same.)

 - Their articles seem well-cited. [Google Metrics shows a h5-median of 59][6] for this journal, for example.

 - Researchers affiliated at some reputational institutions publish in their journals. Just look at the left-hand side list titled "Top Institutions" at *Microsoft Academic*, such as for [this journal (IJACSA)][7] (e.g. showing the Max Planck Society) or for [this journal (IJARAI)][8] (e.g. showing the MIT).

At the same time, there are some puzzling circumstances, which makes me skeptical of my initial judgement. Such as the following:

 - They are not indexed at the [DOAJ][9]. 
 - There are "< 10" peer review reports [validated by *Publons* for their main journal][10], which could mean anything from 1 review to 9. And that is quite a low number for a journal that has published so many articles over multiple years.
 - Likewise, there are no peer review reports documented at [*SciRev*][11].

In the end, it seems best to repeat this response [on the same question (regarding a journal of SAI) on Twitter][12]:

[!["Without doing a full analysis, we are not sure. Sorry"][13]][13]
