I read your original post; allow me to respond to *that* first. In my opinion, based on the information you provide, you may want to examine your Ph.D. situation ignoring the internship for the moment. Do you enjoy what you're doing? Do you like working with your adviser? Is it a good learning experience? Do you value the prospect of holding a Ph.D.?

If the answer is Yes, I would caution you against jumping to conclusions based on an internship. Internships are good fun, in fact they are meant to be since the goal is for you to fall in love with the company as much as they are the other way (if not more). A Ph.D. is a bet on the long run (as is a college degree) and there are sacrifices involved.

If the answer is No, you have a tough decision to make and I can't really tell you what you should do.

In general I would disregard what "people have been saying." You have not experienced the kind of jobs that you can access *only* with a Ph.D. Some of them are *insanely* fun. This is your decision, not theirs.

As for your adviser, yes your decision *may* hurt her career if she is an assistant professor on a tenure clock, and/or depending on many other factors.

All the best.