I've passed the qualification in mathematics and I'm trying to apply for some assistant professor ([Maître des Conférences][1] - MCF) positions in France, using the Galaxie portal. However, I see that there's no option to submit a CV, which I submitted during the qualification process, but there's an option to submit "*présentation analytique*"? This makes me wonder: **what exactly is a presentation analytique** (analytical presentation)? Also how do I submit my CV for this position? So I contacted some administrative officials processing the MCF applications, and here's the response I got: (translated to English) "*The analytical presentation is a description of your academic and/or research background. Whether in the past or in the future you must present your experience by detailing your research and your publications. Most often, the analytical presentation begins first as a CV and then, following this CV, you present your career path analytically as described above. The definition of *analytical presentation* is as follows: a CV giving an analytical presentation of the work, books, articles, achievements and activities, mentioning those that the candidate intends to present at the audition*" **So to double check: if I combine two documents: (1) my academic CV that details my education, work experience, teaching experience, publication details (number of articles, journals where published etc.) and references etc. and (2) a statement of research interests where I detail my work, the results/theorems, and future plan for work, will this constitute a proper *presentation analytique*? Or, do I need to include (3) a description of research project that I'm pursuing at present and intend to continue for the next two years?** Any help from people familiar with the French academic system would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance and kind regards. [1]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma%C3%AEtre_de_conf%C3%A9rences_(France)