Echoing the comments and other answers, citing a website is no different to citing any other resource, such as a book, or a paper. Depending on your favorite text editor and reference manager, you would like to produce bibliographic entries, such as > ... for the implementation of the prototype, we used the *Ruby* programming language [23] and ...<br/> > ...<br/> > ...<br/> > **Bibliography**<br/> > ...<br/> > 23\. Matsumoto, Yukihiro. *Ruby Programming Language*. ``, 2009. In BibTeX, there's @misc entry for that. You would use it as follows: @misc{links/Java, author = {{Sun Microsystems Inc.}}, title = {{J}ava{\texttrademark} {P}latform, {S}tandard {E}dition 6}, howpublished={\url{}}, month{jun}, year = {2006} } @misc{links/xml, author = {{W3C}}, title = {{Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0}}, howpublished = {\url{}}, publisher = {World Wide Web Consortium}, year = {2008}, month = {November} } Since websites are a dynamic resource, you should always include the date (year/month) of the last retrieval. For the url, the code above would assume `\usepackage{url}`. Another technical issue with this is whether your chosen bibliography style would include the URL in the reference, or not. You might want to consult [this questions at tex.SE][1] [1]: