The title "Associate Professor", which is commonly used in North America, is "[usually connected to tenure](" in that it is almost exclusively given to tenured or permanent professors who are higher in rank than Assistant Professors. This has also been explained in previous Academia.SE questions, for example:

 -  (1) [Associate Professor to Assistant Professor](
 - (2) [Assistant professor vs Associate professor](

Within the last year, someone also asked here about the awarding of the Associate Professor title to people without doctorates:, and we learned there that in UK there's Professorships awarded in Law and Engineering (and I wouldn't be surprised if also in Medicine) to people without doctorates. 

I wonder if there's any precedent for people being given this title ***without a PhD*** in Canada? I wouldn't be surprised if people have this title after getting a JD, MD, PharmD, PEng, etc., so specifically **I am wondering about people who have only an undergrad degree <!-- (apart from law, medicine, engineering, pharmacy)--> and/or Masters.**

The reason for my question, is because it looks like a U15 university in Canada (I might as well just say openly that it's University of Waterloo) says that they will be re-labeling Continuing Lecturers into Associate Processors:  

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Continuing Lecturers (soon to become Associate Professors), often enough do not have a PhD (for example [here]( and [here]( I understand that other Canadian universities (e.g. University of Toronto and McMaster University) also have the "teaching-stream Professor" positions, but [advertisements for applying to those positions]( suggest that a PhD is required.
