I've had a PhD in pure mathematics for the last 5 years, and have found several good positions, including a tenure track position I amicably left for personal reasons.

However, the job market is getting pretty tight in mathematics for tenure track positions. 

I just recently have one year of statistics teaching experience (the most recent year). While interviewing for my current (temporary) position at a small liberal arts college, some of the interviewers were highly interested in my statistics experience, and I was told that statistics experience was essentially a requirement for the position.

>I'll have taught for a second year, when I apply in the fall. 

> Is this a valuable experience that I should emphasize in my resume
> (compared to my  several years of calculus/algebra/linear algebra
> teaching)? If so, how can I  effectively highlight it?

I can't tell if it was just a fluke (like the occasional combined math/comp sci positions), or a general rule that those with statistics expertise are preferable at liberal arts colleges.