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2 votes
1 answer

Search committee and Dean asked for my slides [closed]

I had a campus interview for an academic position. The day went well (in my view) and my talk generated lot of questions and discussion. I could say that since my answers were received in affirmative ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Virtual conference speaker made it awkward due to the small number of attendees. Should I (the organizer) send them an email apologizing?

Organized a virtual conference and invited lots of top-tier speakers. The number of registrants was around 115, and the event got lots of attention on social media. The strange thing is that the ...
Nadine's user avatar
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27 votes
12 answers

What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"?

A math lecture typically works with the professor explaining something, and at the same time writing her theorems on the blackboard, without any Powerpoint slides. When the blackboard is full, its ...
Duyal Yolcu's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Poster Presentation with One or Two Affiliations

I am preparing a poster presentation for a scientific conference. When I published my work, I was affiliated with institution X. After my publication, I moved to institution Y. Now, I want to put my ...
Naps's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Number of registrants for a virtual talk I organized turned out to be small, should I notify the speaker beforehand?

I'm a graduate student and I organised a series of online lectures spread over many days. The total number of registrants was 50 but those who actually came were around 10 to 11. Now, today one of the ...
Dark_Witch's user avatar
36 votes
5 answers

As session chair, how to politely end someone's presentation/conversation if over time?

Scenario 1: Depending on the length of the talk, I'd show the speaker a 10min/5min "warning" sign that their time is about to come to an end. Arguably, 1-2min "overtime" seems ...
infinitezero's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

After our first Zoom interview, my potential supervisor asked me to prepare a presentation for the next Zoom meeting

After our first Zoom meeting, my potential supervisor asked me to prepare a PowerPoint presentation about my thesis or any research I've done (it doesn't matter if it's not related to her research ...
SAMASA's user avatar
  • 87
15 votes
4 answers

A potential supervisor asked for a Zoom meeting, then didn’t show up. What should my next step be?

A potential supervisor asked to speak with me over Zoom, and sent me a Zoom link. However, the day came and went, but they didn’t show up, and haven't replied to my emails (for about 5 days now, as of ...
Msar's user avatar
  • 167
2 votes
1 answer

How to properly cite the source of pictures in powerpoint slides

I am giving a short presentation at a virtual conference soon, and would like to include some images from the internet in my presentation. Particularly, I'd like to use an image from this wolfram ...
jtb's user avatar
  • 175
0 votes
2 answers

How to lead a succesful academic book club?

I have started an academic book club but I somewhat have a hard time with it. We are reading a slightly complicated text, so I decided to do a slow-paced reading; but up until now, only one person ...
Marvinsky's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to share the presentation file in full screen in Zoom without that file being displayed in full screen on my computer? [closed]

During the presentation I need to access a text file on my computer. However, it is required that the presentation file is displayed in full screen during the presentation.
Count Iblis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Zoom Polls: Why do I not see the option?

I have a Zoom paid account ("Pro") and from googling it seems that the polling option should be available to me. However when I start a meeting I do not seem to see the option to start a ...
curious_cat's user avatar
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1 vote
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Replicating the classroom experience in zoom during covid: Powerpoint slides + annotation + whiteboard to sketch on

I teach an engineering class and pre-covid used to use Powerpoint slides projected on to a whiteboard so I could easily annotate on slides. Plus the class had spare whiteboards where I could draw ...
curious_cat's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to save my presentation if the audience does not reply?

Some time ago, I gave a 60 minutes Zoom presentation in a department seminar. I usually ask simple questions during my talks, in order to keep the audience awake. This time, about 15 minutes into the ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Steady meeting room for Zoom office hours, ready at any time [closed]

I would like to have my office hours via Zoom with A link that doesn't change, so it's easy to find the meeting, and I can join my meeting at any time, if the need shows up, not just a scheduled ...
Ambicion's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Zoom cloud meeting for education

I have a paid (education) plan of Zoom cloud meeting. I use it for my university classes. I would like to get meeting participants’ names. How can I get that?
Ali A. Jalil's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can the chair of a conference's panel be reported to the organizing institution?

I was recently attending a scientific conference, held online due to COVID restrictions. I chose a panel that interested me. The organization behind the conference made the rules clear: 5 minutes per ...
robertspierre's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How can I enable productive online meetings with my supervisor?

I am currently writing my master's thesis. My advisor is very busy, and I reckon he will allocate about 1-3 hours a month to actively supervise me, at least in the near future. Due to the ongoing ...
Jonas Schwarz's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Should remote teaching sessions be shorter than classroom sessions?

In normal years, when I teach in a physical classroom, I teach in sessions of ~90 minutes, with ~30 minutes break. This year, all teaching is done via Zoom (in real-time), and I wonder whether I ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

I am looking for a way to remotely teach a class

So I am a single individual and do not have access to any university schemes related to my issue. I would like to be able to use my wacom device (an pen that allows me to write down on the computer) ...
papajo's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

How to perform quality checks on a conference? [duplicate]

I want to present my paper to a conference which is related to graph and combinatorics. The problem is I don't understand the quality/reputation of the conference. The conference has a section "...
Charlotte's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

People who have run an online conference, how much does it cost?

I am looking at moving a small online conference for around 200 ppl digital, and quotes from suppliers are all over the place. I'm sure this is because no one knows what good looks like or costs.... ...
Industrademic's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can I start such a contact with one researcher that does not know me in one online conference? [duplicate]

I have a major in Mathematics and a masters in Physics and am currently starting my PhD in Physics. Since I've started my masters I am very interested in one particular research field. The main ...
Aegon's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Do invited talks given via video-conferencing have the same weight on a CV as talks given in person?

Appreciating that what even counts as an invited talk in the first place for CV purposes will vary by field (links to related questions: Do presentations given during interviews count as invited talks?...
Gianluca's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote
2 answers

Submitting An Extended Abstract To Conference, But Later Changing The Methodology and Research Question

Context: MSc student, first time having a paper accepted to a conference. I submitted an extended abstract to two conferences which were ultimately accepted. In the original extended abstract, I did ...
GrayLiterature's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Zoom Presentation where I share screen but can annotate or scribble via my tablet [closed]

I present using zoom to my Engineering Univeristy class using my Dell laptiop. I use powerpoint while sharing my Powerpoint app. So far so good. Now sometimes based on a student question I want to ...
curious_cat's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What should I do if I was wrongly accused of cheating? [duplicate]

I used to think that online exams allow me to perform better in exams in a more relaxed setting, but today after an examination I changed my opinions, because the tutor proctor probably thought I was ...
Hephaes's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Refusing for turning on a zoom camera during an exam? [closed]

Hello I have a question regarding video during exams. My professor is hosting an exam using Zoom, and I was wondering if there was any basis for refusing to use the camera during the exam. Each ...
EnlightenedFunky's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Waiver Form for Remote Video Class

I will be teaching higher-level math classes in a Texas community college this coming Summer semesters. I will be using the same platform that I have been using for this Spring semester since the ...
A.Magnus's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Tools for PDF presentations commenting that respect slides

For my problem-solving classes I prepare presentations which include a reminder on the theoretical parts, statements of the problems to be solved, some (partial) solutions, tips and so on. These ...
Andrei Smolensky's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Organizing discussion groups in online conference

I am organizing a math conference of about 70 people later this summer, and we have decided, in light of COVID-19, to make it an online conference. I would like to have opportunities for small ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
54 votes
8 answers

Avoiding "Zoom bombing" in virtual conferences and seminars

With travel restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic, many academics are organizing online seminars and conferences as a substitute for regular in-person university seminars, colloquia, and research ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I best adapt my seminar slides for a virtual presentation?

I was recently invited to give a seminar talk at another institution. Ordinarily I would have travelled there for the day and given my talk in person. However, due to the travel restrictions imposed ...
astronat supports the strike's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Tips for transition to online classrooms given university shutdowns in response to COVID-19

Given the recent shutdowns of many universities across the world, there's an increased interest in online education techniques. In my case, I am a TA for a quantum chemistry class, and I'm finding it ...
jezzo's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Alternatives to big-name proprietary remote-lecturing tools

As in many other universities, due to the coronavirus outbreak now we are supposed to do our teaching online in videoconference style. Our university suggests using either Microsoft Teams or Google ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to participate in a remote IEEE Conference, due to politics problems in my country?

Today I study in Chile, and I have an accepted paper at an international conference of the IEEE of good level. I need that participation since it will help me in my Postgraduate program, but I'm ...
GMs's user avatar
  • 13
-1 votes
1 answer

questions for the candidate to ask during a skype faculty interview [duplicate]

What questions for the candidate to ask during an initial skype faculty interview? In the field of physical sciences.
feynman's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How do disabled computer scientists publish?

Given that computer scientists publish in conferences, which typically require that presenters be present, how do computer scientists who are disabled, have broken legs due to a car accident, or have ...
Pteromys's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Comp Sci PhD Admissions: How often are Skype interviews requested?

I am applying to several computer science PhD programs, and several professors who I mentioned in my statement of purpose have reached out requesting Skype interviews. My question is: how often are ...
CorbinMc's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Evaluation criteria for 3-minute teaching demonstration over Skype?

I have been asked to participate in a Skype interview for an academic position in a STEM field. One focus of the institution is innovative and non-traditional teaching methods. This is the first ...
PhDInEng's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How to promote reduction of carbon footprint for conference participation?

Researchers need to get together with each other in conferences to give talks, listen to talks, discuss with others, network, etc. But travel to conferences is expensive and adds substantially to one'...
aparente001's user avatar
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12 votes
11 answers

Should I ask my online PhD interview panel whether my partner can sit in?

I have an online interview for a PhD program via Skype. I want to ask the panel if my girlfriend can join in the interview. She will turn off her microphone and camera, so there will no interrupting ...
Ooker's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to present a paper via skype?

I'm doing a skype presentation of a paper that would be published soon. The presentation is for an improvement of a procedure that was not so accurate before (Computer Science related). Should I only ...
Rathan's user avatar
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9 votes
9 answers

What kind of video conference software do academics use?

I'm a new graduate student and my adviser asked me to set up a meeting with some out-of-state colleagues (whom I haven't met yet) to start working on a collaboration that I'll be playing a major role ...
pocketlizard's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Live Lecture Technology [closed]

I am trying to come up with a method to live broadcast my lectures to parties connected to the internet. Up to now, I have been using FaceTime to transmit my work on a whiteboard. This method works, ...
Jonathan Gray's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How could one prepare for a telecon interview for a government lab?

Suppose that, after applying to a publicly advertised position, a person gets invited to an interview for a regular (not time-limited) scientific job at a national scientific research laboratories in ...
gerrit's user avatar
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27 votes
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Advice/guidance when interviewing for a faculty or postdoc job via Skype or phone?

Plenty of advice is available for standard interviews, should phone/Skype interviews be approached any differently? (This was asked on twitter by @emilyandthelime, I have my own, partial answer that ...
Alex Holcombe's user avatar