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Can I mention the same experience in 2 sections on my cv?

I am an incoming physics PhD student. A few weeks ago I participated in organizing a summer school at my current university and delivered a small lecture. I would like to include this experience on my ...
IGY's user avatar
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What is the value of a summer project on cv of someone who wants to pursue graduate studies?

I got accepted in a summer research project in the US with a very famous professor in the field, however, it is so expensive for me. I am not a US citizen but planning to pursue graduate studies there....
Véronique's user avatar
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Where to include the Summer School or Winter School participation in the curriculum vitae (CV)?

I would like to include a Winter School I attended last year in my CV. I am not sure which heading of the CV this should be added to. Should I make a new heading called Participation and add this ...
Alireza M. Kamelabad's user avatar
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Putting a scholarship received for upcoming summer school in CV

I applied for a summer school and received a scholarship to attend. In the meantime, I am planning on applying for a Masters, in a field related to summer school, before attending the summer school. ...
spjoes's user avatar
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How to write a very good curriculum vitae for a summer school application?

I have just graduated with a bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics. I joined a master's program in mathematics and I have just finished my master courses with a 3.8/4 CGPA. I don't have ...
HybridAlien's user avatar
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CV for Physics Summer Schools

I am applying to summer schools for undergraduates in the US and all of them ask for a CV(in addition to other documents like a cover letter). While I understand that a CV should be more descriptive ...
will9805's user avatar
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Significance of Summer Schools in CV

When applying for PhD in US or EU, do universities give any importance to the summer schools (7 days/15 days) candidate has attended? I mean, are the summer schools a worthy addition to the CV?
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Is it a good idea to include participation in summer schools in my CV?

Is it a good idea to include participation in summer schools to my CV?
alop789312's user avatar