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Questions tagged [summer-school]

A summer school is a short course organized around a specific topic that is offered in the summer, and may be attended by students from multiple institutions.

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0 votes
1 answer

I took a summer research intership and didn't do well after, what should I do? [closed]

I applied for a summer internship(no salary) in theoretical physics a few months ago, and I got one intership position. After I got the work to be done from the professor, I found that some parts of ...
sett the guy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Summer opportunities before applying for a PhD

I'm a 4th year physics major from India. My degree is a dual one - 5 years and both Bachelor's and Master's. I want to take up theoretical physics in the future and pursue a PhD after I graduate - ...
ShKol's user avatar
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How can I get email alerts of conferences, summer schools and workshops in statistical physics? [closed]

To the statistical physics community: I am a PhD student in theoretical statistical physics. I want to be up-to-date with my field. How can I get newsletter/ email alerts/ updates of summer schools, ...
6ares's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
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Can I mention the same experience in 2 sections on my cv?

I am an incoming physics PhD student. A few weeks ago I participated in organizing a summer school at my current university and delivered a small lecture. I would like to include this experience on my ...
IGY's user avatar
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Research during first year of PhD

I am a 1st year Graduate(PhD) student in Mathematics in USA and I don't have advisor yet. I have no serious work in the coming summer term in my University but I want to work on a research project to ...
rotten potato's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Should I phone a professor if they haven't replied to my email?

I'm a Master's student in Physics. The summer vacations are coming up, and we need to do a few projects under various faculty to know their work and field. I'm interested in experimental high-energy ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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What are typical selection criteria for attendees at research summer schools?

In my field there are often summer schools for graduate students/postdocs to learn about a particular research topic in a short amount of time. Given that some of these summer schools are in exotic ...
Superbee's user avatar
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Should I mail a professor after applying to a programme?

I have applied for a summer research program for 2022. The application involved listing a preference order of professors I would like to work under. Each professor had a one line summary of the work ...
AP2261's user avatar
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4 votes
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Should I inform my letter writer about a summer school rejection? Should I ask the same professor to write me a letter for grad school?

I'm an undergraduate math major (just completed my second year), and I had applied for a summer school (online due to the pandemic) in one of my interest areas. I have taken two courses in this area ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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What is the value of a summer project on cv of someone who wants to pursue graduate studies?

I got accepted in a summer research project in the US with a very famous professor in the field, however, it is so expensive for me. I am not a US citizen but planning to pursue graduate studies there....
Véronique's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Doing two summer research internships at the same time?

I have recently got into a weird situation, that I didn't think I would be in. First of all, I had applied for a paid research internship abroad (at a foreign university) some time ago. Due to covid ...
S R Maiti's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How would you write to your in-class team, that you are going to drop the class, leaving no hard feelings?

We have a project to do with them but I don't have the time and am not sure if this email is appropriate for them. What do you think? I would greatly appreciate your advice. Here is what I am thinking ...
Lili's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Where to include the Summer School or Winter School participation in the curriculum vitae (CV)?

I would like to include a Winter School I attended last year in my CV. I am not sure which heading of the CV this should be added to. Should I make a new heading called Participation and add this ...
Alireza M. Kamelabad's user avatar
1 vote
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Putting a scholarship received for upcoming summer school in CV

I applied for a summer school and received a scholarship to attend. In the meantime, I am planning on applying for a Masters, in a field related to summer school, before attending the summer school. ...
spjoes's user avatar
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How to write a very good curriculum vitae for a summer school application?

I have just graduated with a bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics. I joined a master's program in mathematics and I have just finished my master courses with a 3.8/4 CGPA. I don't have ...
HybridAlien's user avatar
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Is getting a grade of 7/10 worth asking a recommendation letter?

I had taken a course in mathematics previously and scored a grade of 7 out of 10. Now I would like to take a summer research internship related to that subject and was wondering whether it was wise ...
Reader Manifold's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

CV for Physics Summer Schools

I am applying to summer schools for undergraduates in the US and all of them ask for a CV(in addition to other documents like a cover letter). While I understand that a CV should be more descriptive ...
will9805's user avatar
3 votes
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How to attend conferences efficiently?

As a master's student, I've recently attended my first summer school. I waited for it eagerly since there would be learning about my research topic, interacting with other students and travelling. But ...
fresheed's user avatar
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What does "engineering experience" entail [closed]

I'm a rising senior in high school and i applied for this engineering exposure program over the summer. My application didn't include any practical experience in the field, which I thought was fine ...
user94619's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there a case to be made for adjusting how academic semesters are scheduled in North America? [closed]

From my limited experience, many universities in North America with two-semester (full year) type schedule has the following timeline, Semester 1: Early September - Late November (or Late August - ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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What's the difference between 'research topic' and 'research area'?

I am writing an essay to apply for a summer research project and is supposed to write about 'general research topic that interests me' and 'area I would like to focus'. I'm kind of confused about ...
Owen's user avatar
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Is there a financial motivation for organizing a summer school? [closed]

Do professors and scientific staff of an institute make money from summer schools? Or is it a well-intentioned unpaid activity done by organizers? For example, a summer school about a topic in ...
Immanuel's user avatar
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Summer school not answering my e-mail

I've been accepted to Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria, Perugia, a summer school for graduate students in mathematics (received the acceptance email on the 5th of July). I've sent them an email (...
Ana's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Significance of Summer Schools in CV

When applying for PhD in US or EU, do universities give any importance to the summer schools (7 days/15 days) candidate has attended? I mean, are the summer schools a worthy addition to the CV?
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37 votes
10 answers

Why don't colleges make terms shorter and with fewer classes?

Instead of the typical 4 classes every 10 weeks, why not 2 classes every 5 weeks? Condensed courses usually means: Taking less courses at the same time which makes compartmentalization for ...
8protons's user avatar
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What does it mean when a professor says that he'll pay me as a 'mission' for an internship?

I applied for and got selected for a summer internship at a renowned research lab in Germany. The professor says they will try to fund all my expenses, but will pay me as a 'mission'. What does this ...
user173185's user avatar
2 votes
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What counts the most for admission to a MSc : Erasmus programme or summer school / research programme? [closed]

I'm doing my bachelor degree in Physics in Italy and I'm strongly considering to continue my studies abroad (in Europe) after the degree. I don't know whether I should spend a period studying in a ...
Gianolepo's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is it a good idea to include participation in summer schools in my CV?

Is it a good idea to include participation in summer schools to my CV?
alop789312's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use contacts on an application in an unassuming way?

Recently my former master thesis advisor (I finished more than a year ago, and want to return to academia / PhD studies after my still ongoing other research job) informed me about a summer school ...
user34985930's user avatar
5 votes
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Nontraditional summer employment for academics

I'm a research mathematician, probably soon to be tenured, and I've been wondering what 'non-traditional' summer employment options are out there, involving either teaching or research. (I enjoy both!)...
Anonymous's user avatar
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What is the typical cost of Summer Course education in the US?

I would like to pursue summer college courses - particularly a creative writing class and a computer science class - to help broaden my knowledge and improve upon myself as a person. However, ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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No response from summer school. Should I email?

I have applied to a summer school program in math for undergraduates. On the application website it says that notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out in March. As March is nearly ...
user32131's user avatar
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What qualities are organizing committees looking for in a reference letter for a summer school?

How would you write a reference letter for someone who is applying to a summer school intended for Ph.D. students/postdocs? The summer school only lasts for 3 days up to a week and I am curious as to ...
user1237300's user avatar
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Course load expectations for teaching track and how to negotiate for courses

I am a new lecturer (non-tenure track) at an American engineering university (lecturer=teaching track professor, in my case). I am on a 9 month rolling contract and am contracted to work between Sep-...
dearN's user avatar
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Summer programs for European undergraduate mathematicians

There are many summer programs in the US, aimed at motivated undergraduate students of mathematics, that offer lectures and mini-courses on a variety of topics. However, as far as I know, most ...
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4 votes
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How to explain why I want to go to a summer school?

I want to go to a summer school in biomathematics for undergraduate level, and they ask to give some sort of explanatory of why do I want to attend. I've never done this before, so I have no idea what ...
Ana Galois's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why do people organize summer schools?

I have been in the computer science academic community for at least five years, and I noticed that there are several so called summer schools organized every year everywhere. I have been knowing just ...'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What the benefits of summer school when working on masters degree?

I have recently started my graduate studies and I am still new to some of it. I always worked in the summer during my undergrad, but I've heard that working in the summer while working on a masters ...
akinmytua's user avatar
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A quick question about deadline extensions

I'm applying for several summer schools, workshops, and travel funds. I've also applied for a few fellowships. Almost all of these have extended their deadlines for application submission and/or ...
Bmccollo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Statement of research interest for summer schools

I'm doing a PHD in physics (not in US), and I'm applying for a summer school in US (an example). I'm required to upload a statement of research interest. I have searched for webpages on how to write ...
wdg's user avatar
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Summer Schools and academic career

There are some prominent summer schools in CS (ML in particular) like MLS (Machine Learning Summer School). What is the impact of attending such program on academic careers? (or applying for graduate ...
Naresh's user avatar
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Online resources for summer schools in software engineering?

I'm looking for an online resources that lists all summer schools of the actual year in a specific domain. Are there any sites? I just found one: Summer Schools in Europe, but this site seems to be a ...
RoflcoptrException's user avatar