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0 votes
1 answer

Seeking Advice: No Citation from a PI I Applied to Work With, Who Built on My Preprint

Last year, I applied to multiple PhD programs with limited research experience but worked hard to publish a preprint on arXiv and submitted it to a workshop before the application cycle. One of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

What expression to use when citing a publication for a result bordering one, oneself seeks to publish? (replicate, corroborate, in line with)

The specific reason for citing/referencing a publication may accompany an expression signifying that. One broad reason is empirical results (other broad reasons are theoretical ideas, methodological ...
5 votes
3 answers

Is it plagiarism to end your paper in a similar way with a similar conclusion?

I am really paranoid/scrupulous about plagiarism and I would like to ask if what I did below counts as some form of plagiarism. A while ago, I wrote a paper and basically I don't know if the very last ...
4 votes
2 answers

Citation depth dilemma (writing sci. article for peer review journal)

The scenario: in an article, found a point/claim/fact that would fit/support perfectly a broader point I'm trying to construct (@Related works section) The dilemma: Whom to cite? a) only the ...
1 vote
3 answers

Citing unpublished figure from an ex colleague

A former colleague has created a figure. The figure is not published and serves only as a mean for information sharing. I used to be a part of that research group and thus had access to it. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Citing the results of other peoples experiment in my own work

I'm doing a research for my bachelor degree final project and it contains no experiments. I found a paper which has published results of an experiment and their data and images/diagrams are so ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to show in your thesis that a related work was published after your publication and did a similar things?

I am currently writing my dissertation and at the beginning, I published a conference paper that proposes how something can be used for a special purpose. I have cited someones something who never ...
4 votes
3 answers

Week before Master's thesis deadline, found publication that explores same concept with slightly different results

My Master's thesis is due in a week and I am currently writing up all of my results. To my horror, I have just found a paper that seems to explore virtually the same concept as I do, although they ...
41 votes
6 answers

How do I use lemmas that are probably already proven, but including the proof myself is quicker than looking up a source?

Suppose I have proven several lemmas during my work that are neither original nor significant (these results were needed for applied engineering/CS research, not mathematics). I believe that if I ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to properly credit other people when writing a text book?

In many textbooks, authors usually write about other people's research results without the type of detailed and extensive citations typically seen in a research paper. Often times without any credit ...
14 votes
3 answers

Someone cited citations I used without citing my work and effort in finding the references

Recently I came across a conference paper that tried to solve the same problem I solved couple of years ago and published a workshop publication about, but using a different algorithm. In their ...
13 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to incorporate a block of citations from a review paper into my own paper?

I'm currently writing a paper on a certain topic for which a review article was recently published. Of course, I want to contrast my new approach to existing techniques. For that purpose, I have ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to explain a physics mechanism that I study from other paper in my report while avoiding plagiarism?

As I understand about writing a research project report or master thesis report, it must be complete, self-sufficient. The readers can understand the report/book by reading it thoroughly without the ...
4 votes
3 answers

How do I cite a source from a another source? [duplicate]

Suppose I'm writing an article about topic X. During research I come across a related article in which the author has made statement Y and referenced publication Z. For one reason or another, I haven'...
6 votes
2 answers

Is an author allowed to use the same figure in different papers without citation?

Authors A, B and C published paper [1] in journal X. Author B created a figure for paper [1]. The figure is not essential and does not contain any important data. It is just a geometric ilustration. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Citing a citation from a paper? [duplicate]

So, I have a sentence in a paper I'm writing that looks like this: This result was first discovered by Person X (PaperX 1915). The issue is, the paper I cite, let's call it Paper X, written by ...
2 votes
4 answers

Is copying numbers from published scientific articles considered plagiarism/copyright infringement?

Considering that proper reference is provided (journal, author name, date etc.), is copying exact numbers from published scientific articles could be considered plagiarism or copyright infringement? ...
9 votes
1 answer

Would it be unethical to not cite a figure obtained from a Q&A forum?

We are writing an article in which we should give a figure (a satellite image; not a real map) to make the 'preliminary' section complete and understandable. However, drawing the image ourselves is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Ethical Problems Brought by Academic Paywalls [duplicate]

The question is simple. I am working on a topic. I came across a paper that is behind a paywall which my research institution (i.e. university) has no access to it and it may or may not be relevant to ...
37 votes
8 answers

Is it plagiarism (or bad practice) to cite reviews instead of source material directly? [duplicate]

My first source of information when preparing a manuscript are reviews. If up-to-date and comprehensive, I feel I can create most of my introduction by rephrasing and citing them. Nevertheless, ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to quote a definition from a paper which cites another paper for the definition

I have to write the definition for a term in my Paper. I find the best definition for the term in a particular paper, say paper1. I would like to quote the definition as it is in my paper. I believe ...
12 votes
2 answers

Plagiarism of a co-author?

I am PhD student. My PhD advisor wrote a research paper literally copy pasting several paragraphs from a already published paper, which was written by me as main author and he is just second author. ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it better to give reference when I use the same sentence which state a fact or I must paraphrase it? [duplicate]

I am new to the concept of plagiarism and also how to give reference in an article. As my English is not very well, I may use some sentences borrowed from other papers. But they may just define a term ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is it plagiarism to publish a table that was published earlier in a different journal?

I need to a include a table which contains the basic characteristics of study participants. However, in a related previous publication that dealt with a different hypothesis, the table was published. ...
12 votes
2 answers

What to do when you publish a paper that accidentally included a wrong or irrelevant citation?

My paper was published and later on I found that two references were mistakenly included with the third reference, which is the correct. My phrase looks like this: I am worried about this (Smith ...