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Questions tagged [political-opinion]

Questions about how to navigate situations when global, local, or regional politics, political activities, or newsworthy events affect academic careers. Note that we do not invite political discussions or opinions; questions must be objectively answerable and must focus on academic considerations.

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36 votes
6 answers

What research explains political attitudes of academics?

According to the Times of Higher Education, there are more liberals* than conservatives in the social sciences. The ratio of Democrats to Republicans in economics is 5:1, in law it is 9:1, in ...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
34 votes
8 answers

Are political/ideological reasons for career moves acceptable in academia?

Suppose one is happy at one's institution until something happens that makes it impossible to stay given one's strong ideological beliefs. Is it a good idea to mention these beliefs if they are the ...
Allure's user avatar
  • 137k
24 votes
2 answers

How will the academic boycott of Israel (BDS) influence my career if I get a PhD in Israel?

I'm considering doing a PhD in the social sciences at an Israeli university. My research will not be conflict-focused, and I'm not sure yet whether it will have a local component. I would likely do ...
PhD_Maybe's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

How are academic relations between mainland China and Taiwan?

Both mainland China and Taiwan have internationally notable universities. How are the relations between their academic research communities? Does getting involved (as a Westerner) with either of ...
Ambicion's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Will there be consequences for not participating in ShutDownSTEM?

I am a tenure-track researcher in STEM fields. On June 9th, I was told that all meetings scheduled next day were cancelled so that we can be a part of #ShutDownSTEM. I was not aware of it, and I ...
BurnAllBooks's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are there any countries whose academics/editors are prohibited from working with North Korean affiliated researchers?

Quote from Swiss sanction on North Korea: Any scientific and technical cooperation with persons or groups officially sponsored by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or representing the ...
Allure's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does publishing in Russian journals or collaborating with Russian researchers on a paper harm my reputation? [duplicate]

Ever since the escalation of the war in Ukraine in 2022, numerous institutions have reacted to the event in different ways. Some cut partnerships with Russian scholars completely while others took a ...
egvx9729's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Attitudes towards External/ Political Motivations for Technical PhD

How would potential research advisors view someone entering graduate school because of interest in particular "real-world" problems, with the ultimate hope of leaving or changing fields if ...
Dragonsheep's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Rainbow flag in paper

I am making a diagram in my paper. In that diagram I use several squares of different colors and one rectangle of multiple colors. An easy way to get a rectangle full of colors is the rainbow flag. I ...
etal's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How should I not get in trouble due to my political views in academia as a student in my time left in my home country given these political conditions

This question has been in my mind for about an year. Finally, I am asking it here. I don't know I would be getting knowledge about it anywhere else. I think it is on topic here. Kindly help. I live in ...
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