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Questions tagged [italy]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in Italy which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.

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Choosing a Bachelor's Degree for a Future PhD in Machine Learning: Advice Needed [closed]

I'm an italian student that has to choose a Bachelor's Degree, i’ve been thinking a lot about my future academic path, and I’m planning to pursue a PhD in machine learning. However, I’m currently ...
Antonio Bevilacqua's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

MSCA Fellowship in Italy: salary and position

What contract are MSCA fellows hired with in Italy? I've read somewhere that after the fellowship you are then most likely hired with a Rtda position. I've also read however that these Rtda positions ...
Jpk's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
2 answers

Finding the equivalent title/position of "Oberassistent II" in both the US and in the Italian university system

What is the equivalent title/position of the Swiss "Oberassistent II" in both (or at least one of the following) the US university system? the italian university system? I have heard that, ...
Ommo's user avatar
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1 vote
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To be unemployed for the RTDa in Italy

I'm Research assistant in Turkey, I'll apply for RTDa position in Italy. I will try to take sabbatical and then unpaid leave from my university in Turkey to apply for RTDa but i heard that Italy does ...
Kagan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can you use the Italian "Dr" title in Austria even though it does not refer to the same academic level in both countries?

This was originally posted in a German-language site, but it was recommended to me to post it here as it might be more of a legal question than a language-related one, and similar questions were asked ...
user1301428's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Postdoc Salary in Italy compared to Germany?

I am applying for my first postdoc position. How do postdoc salaries in Italy compare with those in Germany? What about the average cost of living for both the countries? Particularly if I compare ...
Yohana's user avatar
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English Language requirments for Masters in Italy?

Obiviously it may differ from university to university but i am about talking about general case which is applicable to majority IELTS and related certificates are necessary or English Language ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference Between Unit Cost and Salary (MSC Fellowship)

I am trying to understand the difference between Unit Cost and Salary. I receive a MSC Fellowship and the different types of allowance on the surface appear like a good salary. All numbers combined ...
Kai's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Recognized Language tests/certificates other than IELTS and TOEFL

Which other Language tests/certificates are recognized other than IELTS and TOEFL, especially if one wants to study a Masters in European countries like Italy ? IELTS and TOEFL may not be affordable ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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Grants accessible to Italian mathematicians? [closed]

What kind of grants can mathematicians working in Italy apply to? In addition to the various ERC grants are there any other specific funding programmes that mathematicians working in Italy may apply ...
Kei's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get Italian High School transcript for UK University admission [closed]

UPDATE: If no transcript is available it seems that the 4 pages paper certificate given with the diploma, where are stated the number of hours for each topic and for each year, comprehensive of the ...
Andrea_DellOrto's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any uniform date for applying for Phd positions in the Italy for mathematics?

I am not a resident of Europe and I am in 2nd year of my masters in Mathematics. My research interest aligns with many professors of universities in Italy. I wrote to one prof. asking about open ...
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Choosing a Master's program with less than one semester time for thesis

I want to apply for a Master's degree in computer science in Italy. I noticed that some Master's programs in Italy give you less than one semester to work on your thesis. My goal is to apply for a Ph....
SMMousaviSP's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to pursue an academic career in Italy

I am an early career scientist that want to pursue an academic career in Italy. I am familiar with the usual track of an academic in Italy: Phd, "assegno di ricerca", "RTDA", "...
Mario Rossi's user avatar
8 votes
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"Extra teaching" (compared to the standard contract) for Italian researchers

For researchers (RTDa, RTDb, associate and full professors) in Italian universities is it possible to have some "extra" teaching duties (compared to the standard contract)? How would one ...
Kei's user avatar
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3 answers

Courses recognized, but grades are not converted?

I have attended a university in Russia, and then transferred to Italy, and in Italy they recognized many courses but said to me we can't convert grades, we only recognize courses. Is this a common ...
user18602524's user avatar
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Italian universities: how to find out the "hiring plans" for researchers in the next 1-4 years?

In Italian universities (mathematics departments), is there a way to find out in advance what are the "hiring plans" for the next 1-4 years? In fact, when is it known within a university ...
user934318's user avatar
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Is there an analogue to the Open University in Italy?

Is there an analogue to the Open University in Italy? By that, I mean a respected public distance-learning university with few/no access barriers. Another institution of this type would be the "...
Arno's user avatar
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Postdocs or RTDa/b positions and a question on PhD acquired outside of Italy and equivalence with the Italian title

Is it necessary to have obtained the "equivalence" of Ph.D. acquired in another country (Germany in my case) to the Italian title before applying for postdocs or RTDa/b positions in Italy? I ...
user934318's user avatar
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Does it make sense to contact potential PhD supervisors after having submitted the application?

I already submitted my application and they are about to start interviews, however learning more about the faculty I found a potential supervisor and I would like to know whether there are chances ...
Mr Frog's user avatar
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Will the PhD admissions chances of siblings in Italy be affected if they have coauthored papers?

The following question maybe the case for any country but I mentioned Italy to know if there are special conditions or rules. Is this possible for a sibling to get admission from the same university ...
Eilia's user avatar
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82 votes
9 answers

I feel like male professors don't feel comfortable taking me as a student. How should I address this problem?

It has happened in many instances in my education that my male advisors or professors get very uncomfortable around me and some refuse to take me as their student. They tell me that in a decent way, ...
Nadine's user avatar
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2 answers

How was the Doctorate/PhD title awarded in Italy in the 1980s and now? when can someone apply for Post-doc?

One of the top Italian research centre for applied physics, the Area Science Park located in Trieste, just elected its new president. The president's CV can be found here:
EarlGrey's user avatar
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Successful postdoc interview at an Italian institution in December by a UK citizen. Would the EU-UK trade deal have an impact on my chances?

I am a UK citizen and obtained my PhD at a UK university in August. I was shortlisted for a postdoctoral position at an Italian institution in mid December before the UK-EU trade deal was made. The ...
Carl's user avatar
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How to convert a grade in Italian scale to the UK grading scale?

I got a grade as 99/110 during my Bachelor degree in Italy. What would be the conversion to the UK grading scale?
Sarah's user avatar
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5 votes
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Careers at the National Research Council of Italy and difference from the university system

What is the organization of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR)? In particular, I'd like to know How does one get a position there? I assume there are public competitions (as for university ...
Kei's user avatar
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Salary and academic career in Italy

What are the average salaries for the steps of an academic career in Italy (RTDa, RTDb, Associate Professor, Full Professor)? In the vacancy announcements that I've seen, this information was not ...
Kei's user avatar
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Teaching duties in Italy for researchers, associate professors, and full professors

What are the teaching duties in Italy for researchers (RTDa & RTDb), associate professors, and full professors? In particular, I'd be interested to know, for each position, the number of courses/...
Kei's user avatar
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Do undergrads need an Italian language certification to get into a master's program in Italy?

For international students, do applicants need to demonstrate Italian skills for most Master's programs (except of course the ones taught in English) in Italian universities?
Sam's user avatar
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Prerequisites for RTDb (tenure-track assistant professor) position in Italy

I have read that a prerequisite to apply for a RTDb (tenure-track assistant professor) position in Italy is to have held a 3-year RTDa position in an Italian university or an equivalent 3-year postdoc ...
Kei's user avatar
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Asking the faculty for PhD research proposal tips

I am going to apply to Italian universities for PhD vacancies in Statistics, which is not exactly the field that I studied during my BSc and MSc. I count to acquire the instruments for doing actual ...
Mr Frog's user avatar
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2 answers

Can letters of recommendation be sent after application deadline in Politecnico di Milano? [closed]

I have just finished my initial proposal and I currently work on the motivation letter. The Politecnico di Milano deadline for Ph.D. is next Friday, May 29,2020. My referee and former supervisor is so ...
Afshin's user avatar
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In Politecnico di Milano, Does the university wait until the end of the deadline to review all the documents?

I am preparing for applying for a Ph.D. program at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy. I am working on the initial proposal. The 36th call starts on April 26, 2020, through May 29, 2020. I don't know ...
Afshin's user avatar
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What are the criteria for associate professor habilitation in Italy in mathematics?

What are the official criteria that one needs to meet to achieve the national "associate professor" habilitation in Italy in mathematics?
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3 answers

Correct form to tell and write the degrees I hold

If I have a bachelor degree in Physics, how should I write it in a CV? What is the correct form between the two: Bachelor of Physics or Bachelor in Physics? The same thing goes for the master ...
Erontado's user avatar
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3 answers

Number of academics in various EU countries

This press release by an Italian union mentions a huge difference between the number of academic positions in various countries: Per fare solo un esempio, sul personale, a fronte dei circa 50.000 ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
1 vote
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CV still not graduated

I'm doing a CV for PhD application but still I'm not graduated. How can I say that My starting mark before final dissertation are full marks?
user106068's user avatar
2 votes
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Should I list my degrees chronologically, or in order of relevance in my CV?

Say that I have achieved a Masters degree in Physics, then a Masters degree in Mathematics. Then for a couple of years, I focused on different fields. I have had placements related to agriculture and ...
Andrea's user avatar
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3 answers

Do I need to contact professors before sending my postdoc applications?

I intend to apply for a call for a postdoctoral position. Is it necessary to contact professors before sending my application formally? If so, which documents should be sent? Is my CV enough or should ...
user40491's user avatar
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How do I get to know/work with academics during my master's degree?

I am in my first year of my master's degree in Europe, and within a year or so I'll have to be sending out applications for a PhD (always in Europe), for which I need 2 to 3 recommendation letters. ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reasonable number of person-months for a full time academic? [closed]

I am currently applying for an Italian grant (a PRIN, precisely, in case someone is familiar with them), and in the application we have to indicate a number of person-months also for the PI and the ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

My university requires unrestricted access to my personal laptop. What should I do?

I am not sure that Academia is the right place to post this, as it would probably be better suited for I am a student in Italy. My university requires unrestricted access to my personal ...
Lonidard's user avatar
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How are the interviews for academic posts in Italy? [closed]

I have an interview scheduled for next monday in an Italian university. This will be my first interview outside of the Anglisaxon universities so I was wondering if anyone in this group have an idea ...
user69030's user avatar
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Research fund for PhD students in Italy [closed]

Are there any sources where I can find the information regarding the research funds for PhD students and the purposes list on which it can be used? There is 10% of annual stipend amount available as ...
Aidos's user avatar
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"Official" grade conversion is skewed at my disadvantage, how to proceed?

I am a Master's student in Italy, and I'm applying for a thesis internship in a lab in the US. To this end, I'm required to send my Master's transcript as well as my Bachelor's; however, in the case ...
kramerfreenow's user avatar
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How can I find additional funding for my extra year of PhD in Europe

I am a third year (3 of 3) PhD student in Italy. I was so stupid during my first year and lost a lot of time, because I didn't put much effort. Now, my professor says that my current results are not ...
Aidos's user avatar
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13 votes
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Should I be concerned about the validity of my degree if my peers in other educational systems seem to have more difficult exams?

I'm an Italian student of mathematical physics at the university of Edinburgh. I have recently caught up with one of my friends and noticed that their exams in Linear algebra and calculus (analisi I, ...
Michele Galli's user avatar
5 votes
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How are mathematics PhDs from the USA viewed in mainland European universities?

Do American-educated mathematics PhDs generally have an advantage over natively educated PhDs (in, say, France or Italy) in applying for research positions?
Danny's user avatar
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What is the most elegant way to let the recruiting committee know what the applicant has done to make it to the interview?

I live in country "A" (in Europe) and, a couple of months ago, I bought a round trip flight ticket to the US, for family reasons (not tourism). A couple of weeks after I bought the ticket, I was ...
Fuca26's user avatar
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11 votes
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What are RTD-b positions in Italy?

I recently saw in an ad that an Italian university invites applications to "Senior researchers (RTD-b, tenure track)." What are RTD-b positions? Since they are said to be tenure track, I guess they ...
user12956's user avatar
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