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When to transliterate words in foreign languages?

I'm writing a philosophy paper relying heavily on Aristotle and discussing several of his primary terms, including their etymologies. Therefore I say words like ἐντελέχεια and θεωρεῖν a lot. Since a ...
krod's user avatar
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How should I quote a translation that includes brackets from the translator?

I would like to use a quotation of a translation. However the translation contains bracketed material inserted by the translator (a gloss?). What should I do with the bracketed material since brackets ...
Pockets's user avatar
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Experience with paid English grammar and style software for writing papers?

I'm looking to suggest to our institute to invest in a paid software for helping writing, along the lines of Grammarly Premium, Antidote 10 or something similar. Does anyone have any experience with ...
Steve Heim's user avatar
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How to change a style guide

I'm an engineering graduate student whose high school English teachers drilled to use active voice. Now that I'm reading and writing technical papers, I can't stand the often ambiguous and verbose ...
techSultan's user avatar
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Consecutive sentence citation in Chicago date-author style

I am writing a paper in which I repeat a newspaper article citation. "The New York Times article discusses the introduction of the AFB mainframe computer (Stevens, 1984). During an interview with ...
DmnkVD's user avatar
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Cite a specific section of my own paper

I am using APA 7th. I want to cite a specific section of my own paper. How to say look into section X for more details. Please show both parenthetical and narrative.
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
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Should I put details in the scope and limitations if it is already mentioned in the objectives?

Should I put details in the scope and limitations if it is already mentioned in the objectives? For example, we have already mentioned that we will be analyzing trends in the data. Should we also ...
Gab Louis's user avatar
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Dialogue in Master's thesis

In some works, as What the Tortoise said to Achilles, GEB or Invariant Risk Minimization, some ideas are conveyed by a dialogue. I find this both informative and entertaining. I would like to use a ...
Paweł Czyż's user avatar
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Should a symbol be followed by a noun

Suppose one writes a scientific paper from Math or a related field. Should mathematical symbols be followed by nouns describing them? Should f, x, Ω, P(A) and ß be preceded by function, variable, set, ...
banan3'14's user avatar
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Difference between proposing a research framework and research approach

I would like to get some concrete examples as to what is the difference between saying that I am presenting a research framework and a research approach. Take the field of robotics or any other ...
user_1_1_1's user avatar
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Writing a thesis: how to organize the content?

I have to start writing a thesis for my master's degree. The thesis itself is about machine learning. In particular, I developed an environment that simulate a real world robotic system and applied ...
gvgramazio's user avatar
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MLA: How to write translations of terms?

I am finishing my MA thesis and in the process of polishing it. I adhere to MLA style and I cannot find anything online concerning: I am translating a few terms. How do you write a term when in ...
moonery's user avatar
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Sub-Hypothesis Notation?

What is a standard way of notating sub-hypotheses? Should it be H1, H1b, H1c? I’m revising a paper for a French author, and she’s written them with bis and ter, as in: H1 (“cultural assimilation” ...
Matt's user avatar
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in-text citation: multiple section of a book

I am using APA 7th and IEEE. In in-text citation, how to refer to multiple section of a book. I mean, i want to say in chapter C1, section S1 and chapter C2, section S2 the author talked about X. Here ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
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When paraphrasing over several paragraphs, how to cite an ebook with chapter and section?

Here is a sample dummy text: Davis and Jones (2020) explore different leadership styles and their effects on employee motivation in their ebook. They highlight transformational leadership as ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar