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How exactly do you expand your knowledge about your research field as a PhD student?

My research field is functional analysis, and currently, I am acquiring new knowledge simply "by chance". This means, I need something specific to know, so I educate myself on it, and ...
S-F's user avatar
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2 votes
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Importance of Ph.D. Degree Title in Career Outcomes

I attend a graduate school that has offers two Ph.D. degrees in mathematics: one as you would expect, and the other with an added concentration in mathematical biology. I gather that the department is ...
lanerogers's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics? [closed]

Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics? I am currently a 21-year-old university student. I studied for two years at a university of science and technology, but the ...
Cooperation Zeus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I find which US graduate programs in math require the GRE General Subject Test and which require the Mathematics Subject Test?

Is there a resource online that can tell me about which schools require the GRE general test versus which schools require GRE Mathematics Subject Test, and which require both?
DVI's user avatar
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How critical is memory in achieving proficiency at Master's and PhD levels in mathematics?

How significant is memory in excelling in higher-level mathematics, particularly at the Master's and PhD levels? I sometimes have trouble remembering certain theorems, proofs, and conclusions. However,...
Ad_M's user avatar
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Prospective math PHD student currently majoring in CS

I'm a computer science major at a prestigious university. I've consistently achieved top grades in all my courses and have developed a strong interest in mathematics. I've completed a year-long ...
hi bye's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to prepare for the Quals in Math early on?

I'll be starting graduate school in mathematics this fall. Obviously what worries me are the qualifying exams. What is the best way for me to prepare myself in these subjects from now on? I'm kind of ...
NoetherNerd's user avatar
5 votes
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How do you deal with a dishonest graduate advisor?

Assume that you are a Ph.D. student in math who after a few years of working in the field discovers a new idea (independently). You present the idea to your advisor. Later your advisor realizes the ...
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-4 votes
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What do the bulk of the pre-calculus questions in the mathematics (subject) GRE look like?

I am planning to take the mathematics subject test this year and have decent foundations in pre-calculus. However, I would like to study it thoroughly again but I don't want to spend too much time on ...
thatsroughbuddy's user avatar
0 votes
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Should I be worried that I might not be interested in the exact type of research my supervisors do?

I started a PhD program this September and I keep having doubts about whether or not I can achieve what I want being in this program and working with my current supervisors. I'm in the differential ...
Gordafarid's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the drawbacks for only taking one class a semester as an undergraduate?

I am currently an undergraduate student in mathematics at a US university, I am looking to go to graduate school and my dream is to be a mathematics researcher. I am currently in my second year and I ...
infomaniac's user avatar
7 votes
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How to Improve Quick Thinking Skills in Mathematics

I have recently applied to several PhD programs in math and applied math. In between undergrad and grad school, I am looking to do some summer research. During a recent interview for a research lab, I ...
Nicholas's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Applied Mathematics to Neuroscience Transition?

I am currently studying Applied Mathematics in a university in Bangladesh. I have always been deeply interested in psychology and neuroscience. I want to complete my degree in Applied Mathematics and ...
Shadman Sakib's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is a late switch in your PhD topic detrimental to an academic career?

I did my undergraduate in math and physics with equal coursework from both. I am now a PhD student in a physics department with an advisor who is a faculty member in both the math and physics ...
user471239's user avatar
1 vote
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Changing fields from Computer Science to Physics or Mathematics

Recently, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science from Hong Kong. Even though I enjoy computer science, there was a field that I always loved and wanted to be a part of: astronomy (or ...
Srijan's user avatar
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MS/PhD Pass Qualifying Exam and Finding an Advisor

There are three outcomes in my department's qualifying exam: PhD pass, Master's pass, and fail. I am fairly certain that I will not PhD pass and will only Master's pass. I still have a chance to ...
statslover8's user avatar
9 votes
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How would I go about showcasing my skills in Math Stack Exchange on LinkedIn or on Resume?

How would I be able to showcase my mathematical prowess on a LinkedIn profile or even on a resume/CV? I am only wondering because I have many up voted answers and would like to demonstrate to a future ...
EnlightenedFunky's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Seeking Advice on Obtaining a Recommendation Letter for PhD Applications

I am currently in the process of preparing my PhD applications in mathematics, with a particular interest in Additive Combinatorics or Elliptic Curves. As I embark on this journey, I have encountered ...
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Should I still ask for a letter of recommendation after doing poorly (80%) on the final?

There is one professor whom I wanted to ask for a letter of recommendation for grad school, but I just learned that I got an 80% on the final exam. This is a first-year graduate course, and the exam ...
PiPie3.14's user avatar
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Do graduate schools encourage collaborations with other professors?

I'm planning to attend a top 25 school in the US for a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Are research collaborations with professors outside of the school generally encouraged? This could include short or long-...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Is it possible to get back to pure math graduate study after working for two years?

I graduated with a honors computer science bachelor degree back in 2020 in Canada. During my last two years in the undergraduate study, I developed a strong interest in pure math especially algebra ...
Kokoro's user avatar
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What do you do when you're stuck at a problem?

I'm pretty sure almost all mathematicians have been in a situation where they found an interesting problem; they thought of many different ideas to tackle the problem, but in all of these ideas, there ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Should I continue with mathematics after two-year break? [closed]

I would appreciate some advice on my situation if anyone has experienced something similar. I started my undergraduate degree in mathematics, really doing well and having fun (graduated with ...
Momo Meier's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a MSc in Mathematics, a MSc in Applied Mathematics, and a MSc in Applied and Computational Mathematics?

I'm interested in how a MSc in Mathematics, MSc in Applied Mathematics, and MSc in Applied and Computational Mathematics compare in terms of content, but also in terms of how they are perceived and ...
strelexa 's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Does mentioning why I took a break after my MSc affect the chances of admission?

I had taken a year break after my masters, before seriously applying to PhD programs. The reason was that I was stressed and burnt out, especially during the COVID times, and wasn't ready for a PhD ...
Ron's user avatar
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How to network with professors when not attending a univeristy

My story is a long one to tell, so I will just say my current situation and leave out how I got here. I am interested in studying mathematics but I do not have the opportunity to attend a university ...
ngc1300's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

My poster didn't win the "best poster award", is it desperate to ask the committee about an evaluation of my poster quality?

My poster didn't win the "best poster award" at a top conference in mathematics, is it desperate/impolite to ask the committee about an evaluation of my poster's quality? I don't want to ...
Nadine's user avatar
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Best website for giving details of a book mentioned in a Statement of Purpose

I want to mention a book in my SOP/PS and would like to provide a link so that the reader can easily get more details about the book instead of googling it. What would be the ideal website for this ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Reasons for differences in the Ph.D. admission process in India vs U.S. and Europe

While searching for universities to do my Ph.D. in mathematics, I noticed that most top universities in India use incredibly competitive entrance exams (much more difficult and time constrained than ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How important is attending graduate school for a PhD for physics/mathematics/astrophysics research?

Is it possible for one to publish high quality research papers in the aforementioned fields without attending a graduate school? I feel that you can read online material and books about research/...
PutnamLegend's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to switch from applied maths to pure maths? [closed]

I've found a couple of questions of the type "is it possible to go from pure to applied" so I was wondering if anyone knows for the opposite direction. Say you are an applied mathematician ...
Sebastián P. Pincheira's user avatar
2 votes
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Financial Support for Master's Programs in Pure Math

I'm an undergrad studying pure mathematics, and graduate school applications are around the corner. My ultimate aim is to do a PhD in pure mathematics. I understand that in several places (e.g., ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Grad School Program Recommendations & How to Narrow Down My List of Programs [duplicate]

I'm hoping to apply to graduate (MS) programs in statistics or applied math later this year, but frankly I'm having a hard time narrowing my list down and was hoping for some advice from people here. ...
A. Bernardi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Failing my PhD courseworks and Possibility of Transferring to other Fields/Industry

Background: I am a first year PhD student in Math and I am failing my classes miserably. I believe that I am a hard worker, passionate about math and I am definitely committed to the program. However, ...
Intel Cahier's user avatar
6 votes
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Somewhat regretting my decision about which graduate program to attend. Could I contact a program I declined and see if they still have a spot for me?

I've posted a few questions here in the past couple of days regarding grad school decisions; apologies for asking so many! It's a big decision and I want to do it right, but I don't want to bombard ...
Max's user avatar
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8 answers

Working towards an academic career that lets me do research in two (largely) unconnected fields—is this even possible?

In undergrad, I did a double major in pure mathematics and linguistics. I ended up loving both fields, and wanting to pursue an academic career. The only problem is that I couldn't decide between them....
Max's user avatar
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1 answer

Deciding between a pure math grad program and linguistics grad program with (potentially) mathematical bent, advice needed! [closed]

In undergrad I did a double major in math and linguistics, and I really fell in love with both fields. To be honest, I can't imagine ever fully giving up either one. I have a strong desire to go into ...
Max's user avatar
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Switching from physics to math PhD with NSF GRFP

I will graduate this semester with a bachelor's degree in physics (in the US). I applied for PhD programs in physics, but have come to realize (rather late in the process) that I want to pursue a PhD ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to stay calm on days of no progress? [duplicate]

I'm a math PhD student working in Pure Mathematics. I guess, everybody is familiar with those days when you make very little progress or no progress at all. As the title suggests, I would like to know ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Suggestion for websites which list open PhD positions in Mathematics in France, UK, Netherlands, Denmark only

I am a student of an Asian country who completed the 2nd year of masters last year and I am applying for PhD positions in Pure Mathematics in Europe. I know about this scholarship database website ...
user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Pursuing a PhD on major of mathematical biology with an irrelevant bachelors degree

I am 29 years old and have majored in political science and obtained a B.A. degree with it. I'm asking this question since I want to ask for some advice about in what case would there be any ...
OrganHarpsichord's user avatar
5 votes
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About quality of research in Pure mathematics in Chinese universities and conditions for Foreign students to thrive there

I am a resident of Asia and I have done my master's in mathematics last year(2021) from a university ranked 400 in mathematics in the world. and I am applying for PhD positions in Europe. I didn't ...
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1 vote
3 answers

Is it inappropriate to ask to work with a professor at a phd program I was rejected from?

I have opened dialogue with him before and he said he would tell the admission committee about our contact. I have not been rejected yet, but I would really like to work with him (payment does not ...
zim's user avatar
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Applied mathematics or Computer science PhD? [closed]

I am very interested in artificial intelligence and its relation with pure mathematics topics such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic topology, analysis, probability, etc. I am finishing my ...
NoetherNerd's user avatar
2 votes
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Dealing with a Very Low Math Subject GRE Score

I am a senior studying math at a private research university. It isn't an Ivy League school by any means, but it is a good school with, as far as I have experienced, a good undergraduate mathematics ...
user65557289's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should I submit my math subject GRE score? [closed]

I'm a US student applying to PhD programs in pure mathematics this semester. Most of the programs I am applying to are highly ranked schools which are making the subject GRE optional this semester. ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How are MS and MA programs in Mathematics different?

Most graduate programs in Math only offer a PhD program, but some provide either an MS or MA in Math. Are there any significant differences I should be aware of between the two, or are they ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar
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Graduate students funding availability in Pure vs Applied Math

Universities in the U.S. are sometimes limited in how many students they can accept by the available funding. How does funding compare in Pure vs. Applied departments? Is one generally more funded ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar
16 votes
12 answers

Is programming experience relevant in a pure Math graduate program?

Programming skills such as experience with Java, Python, C++ or work experience as a software developer can be indispensable for applied mathematicians. How useful is it to have such experiences as a ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar
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Are graduate Math programs that use the quarter system more difficult?

It seems to me like 10 weeks per course may not be enough time for some graduate courses if they are not developed carefully. Do colleges using the quarter system like Dartmouth or UC Irvine have ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar

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