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Questions tagged [gpa]

On the Grade Point Average (GPA), a numerical measure of a student's performance over a semester or career. This tag may apply to questions on calculating the GPA, or on the impact of GPA on graduate admissions and academic careers.

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67 votes
10 answers

GPA rounding 2.498 to 2.5. How ethical is this? [duplicate]

I finished this year with a cumulative GPA of 2.498 (pretty low, not gonna lie). The main concern that I have is that when rounding to 2 digits, it will be pushed to a 2.5, and I'm worried that in ...
Asking's user avatar
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53 votes
12 answers

Why is PhD GPA considered irrelevant?

The importance of a recent PhD’s GPA was recently dismissed in another question (What does an industry recruiter want to know my Ph.D. GPA for?). Why isn’t GPA considered relevant for graduate study?
Stack Tracer's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

What does an industry recruiter want to know my Ph.D. GPA for? [closed]

What are the potential motives for an industry recruiter to want to know your PhD GPA? Does this imply the position is more of an office drone position than a pure research position?
ZacHammer's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

How can I explain bad grades in a PhD application due to bad lecturers?

I am an undergraduate studying in Australia aiming for a US PhD program. I want to apply for a PhD in statistics. I have good grades in all of my math and stats courses in general. Unfortunately, the ...
zlb's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

I have noticed GPA calculation "bug" in our University, what should I do?

University X offers course Y with Z credits. The course is mandatory, and very important. It lasts for more than one semester with heavy workload. The University awards Z credits for the course Y, but ...
Kristof Tak's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Is there a better measure of undergraduate academic performance than GPA?

An answer to a recent question about the importance of looking at a student's whole transcript got me thinking. Is there some other way of summing up a student's academic performance, other than the ...
aparente001's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Do all universities have a minimum required GPA for graduate school application?

I am a senior undergraduate (electrical) engineering student, exceedingly interested in physics. 4 years ago when entering university, for some reasons (better: illusions) I chose engineering as my ...
The Unlucky Student's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can one be average in academics but great in research at same time in PhD

This has always kind of intrigued me. I have seen many students who are good in academics (the scale I am using for this is GPA, like around 3.8–4.0) and average in PhD research. I mean, they do ...
Boncek35's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Ethical GPA rounding

I am applying for a master's program in the US and am not sure how I should present my GPA ethically when discussing it. I have an undergrad total GPA of 3.394 and when asked to put in my undergrad ...
CS2020's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Are masters programs generally easier to get into than PhD?

I'm doing my bachelors degree in mathematics right now at a state school. I know I'm not a top student and have made just pretty good grades in my undergrad career, but fell behind in others (a D in a ...
galois's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to convert from one grading scheme to another?

I'm trying to figure out the equivalence between grade schemes in different countries. According to some Google results: If you are a U.S. citizen, you need a GPA of 3.2+ (it varies, some say 3.2 ...
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Do graduate schools care more about my grades in math courses or my general GPA?

I'm currently a junior in mathematics at UIUC. I have been doing pretty well in my math courses (mostly A and A+). I will be completing a graduate course in topology, a second course in abstract ...
cooselunt's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Should I retake my A minus class in my last semester?

I am a senior who is planning on applying to psychology graduate program after a gap year. In the past three years, I have been involved in research projects and also internships that greatly enhanced ...
llwll's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is considered a good GPA for studies in Germany

Coming from a different schooling/grading system, I have very little feeling about what actually is considered a good grade for studies in Germany. Here the passing grades are given in the range of 1....
Kristof Tak's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Repeat dropper and failure at multiple colleges. Is a Master's ever possible?

Just found this site and did some searching around but I'm not sure anyone is as nuts as I am. Long story short I've been living with a severe anxiety surrounding school. I'm 29 years old now and am ...
BobDole's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

I am interested in graduate studies, but I was dismissed from my undergraduate program for poor grades. Where do I go from here?

I've had a tumultuous undergraduate experience, to say the least. After being suspended freshman year, being re-admitted in the Spring of 2014, and a rough 2014-2015 academic year, I've been dismissed ...
Shmoo's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Does repeating a second course to bring my GPA up 0.05 points help or hurt for graduate admissions?

So, I previously repeated an undergraduate course and I am graduating next semester with only two courses left to take. I recently realized that if I repeat another course from my first year, I can ...
dramzy's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Listing Latin Honor GPA while you are still undergraduate in your CV

I am wondering if my GPA is in the category of one of Latin honors like Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude but I am still undergrad can I include Latin honors in CV while applying to graduate school? This ...
user59419's user avatar
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How to find GPA distributions for US universities

I have been tasked with making a grade equivalence table for a small list of US universities to translate to grades at a European university. To do this I thought it would be easiest just to look at ...
Simd's user avatar
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Does GPA/Transcript matter for academic jobs after the PhD?

Courses taken and GPA can matter quite significantly for undergraduates, both for applying to graduate school and applying for jobs. What about courses taken and GPA during PhD? Do they matter at all ...
Maram's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How much does a low undergraduate CGPA affect chances of getting a faculty job in a top-tier university?

Your undergraduate CGPA is quite low, but you were somehow accepted into a respected Masters and PhD program, and completed your postgraduate work quite successfully. Your undergraduate major was the ...
Petr Misan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

High-school Grades effect on graduate schools admission

I'm planning to apply for a Master's program in Germany, but the final grade I received in high school was awful (67%) due to the grief I experienced after the death of my parents. Although my grade ...
Notorioushamza's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How good/bad is my Indian CGPA according to US GPA scale?

I will be applying for PhD programs in USA this fall. I know there are many nuances for GPA conversions and I won't convert my CGPA. Colleges don't ask to convert GPA but still mention that their ...
Reilly Ward's user avatar
6 votes
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Should I apply to a PhD program without submitting the transcript of my exchange studies?

I want to apply for admission to a PhD program in Canada. I hold a Master's degree. But when I was doing my undergraduate studies, I went to an exchange program in Canada and studied there for two ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How to report GPA, if minimum letter grade credits not reached?

How would a graduate student, at the University of California, Santa Cruz, report their GPA, on fellowship applications, if they have not yet accrued enough letter grade credits? UCSC seems to not ...
iokevins's user avatar
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3 answers

How are GPAs from different universities evaluated for admissions to MS programs in the USA?

I am about to apply for a Master program in U.S. as I am about to graduate in Bachelor of Engineering. Though I heard that all my grades during all my academic life is taken into consideration (GPA). ...
FELIPE_RIBAS's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What's the impact of former university's transcript on PhD application?

I'm a junior majoring in chemistry and have a plan for applying Ph.D. after graduation. My current GPA is not distinct, just 3.65 out of 4 (Many people say 3.7 is competitive while 3.6 is like average ...
Aspartame_Xu's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Low undergrad GPA, how should I inform a tenure track faculty job search committee?

I have a mediocre (3.3) GPA in undergrad due to illness (legit - I had to take a medical leave and was hospitalized), but I have great grades from my graduate institution. I worry that search ...
Adrift_in_Academic's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can you increase your undergrad gpa after graduating? [closed]

I've googled this question a few times and I've seen multiple different answers. I read that you can raise your undergrad gpa using a post bacc and I also read that post baccs provide a separate gpa. ...
appDev's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to overcome a much earlier academic dismissal from undergraduate program in graduate admissions?

I am an international student from Korea and I have a very serious question while I am preparing for graduate school admissions. I graduated from two years college with 2.8 GPA. After that, I went to ...
user22430's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do A+ grades (as an undergrad) matter at all for graduate school?

If I get A+ grades then it will raise my GPA in my undergrad institution, as well as for Columbia which is where I want to go to graduate school for statistics. Should I try hard to get A+ grades or ...
kevin_g's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why dissertation has no score in GPA in United States?

I saw the PhD transcript of a colleague graduated from a US university. There was no score for the dissertation, just stated Pass with no effect on the cumulative GPA. Is it common? How the ...
user13854's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to round up my GPA on my resume?

I'm currently a college senior and I'm working on updating my resume. My GPA is a 3.46. Is it acceptable/ethical to put on my resume that my GPA is a 3.5?
Scrotinger's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Will my undergraduate GPA affect my graduate admissions?

I have a very low undergraduate GPA. I used to play a sport at the state level and thought I could cope up but didn't. Failed in multiple papers, completed a 3-year degree in 5 years. In the end, I ...
Nilanjan Debnath's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to know if I satisfy an equivalent 3.8 US GPA?

I graduated with a bachelor of math advanced (honor) with first class honor from an Australian university with a WAM (weighted average mark) of 93. My university does not have any GPA system. I am ...
Sogand's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Applying to grad school for mathematics with low GPA, but reluctant to bring up the health issues that caused it

I'm currently a 3rd year undergrad majoring in math/physics. I was admitted to my university through an honors program due to outstanding high school achievement (my university is a large public one, ...
Lame-Ov2.0's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Should / How do I include my school's GPA Scale in my CV / Application

I'm preparing my grad school applications (CV, letter of intent, etc) and in these I need to include my GPA. My school uses the 4.3 scale and I feel as though not including this information is ...
Rick's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to get into a good masters program in computer science with a 3-3.5 GPA?

I'm currently a third-year student at UC Berkeley studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. I'm still on the fence regarding whether or not I want to pursue a ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to exclude 'extra courses' from the GPA reported in my CV?

I am a PhD student in a physical science major. I finished ALL of my required courses. Assume my current GPA is 3.5. Currently, I am taking 'extra' courses from another engineering department. Some of ...
student1's user avatar
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1 answer

Will your undergrad GPA affect your graduate GPA in US?

Will your undergrad GPA affect your graduate GPA in US?
Victor's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Will a low PhD GPA be a problem for industry R&D positions? [closed]

I am pursuing my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (controls) in India. My undergraduate GPA in mechanical engineering was good, but my PhD GPA has been low (6.8/10). Will this bad GPA affect my ...
saras vibhuti's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

GPA vs Undergrad prestige and difficulty

Consider the following scenario: Bob goes to a top-tier university for his undergraduate degree. This university is known for its extra challenging curriculum and Bob also challenges himself while ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

How long the curse of bad education remains in academic career?

It is understandable if considering the educational record (where s/he has studied and how is his/her transcript) of an applicant applied for junior academic positions such as postdoctoral fellow or ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do graduate schools evaluate GPA?

I am wondering how graduate schools like Stanford, Berkeley, Caltech, and MIT evaluate the GPA? Because you can boost your GPA by taking easy classes and in the application it only says enter your ...
user59419's user avatar
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How should a drop in GPA be presented positively in a Statement of Purpose?

During my undergrad studies, my first two years went fine but in third did not go well as compared to the first two years. Consequently, there was a drop in the GPA. But there was one good project at ...
Animesh Pandey's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should I round up or down my GPA on a resume? [duplicate]

My current cumulative GPA is 3.875. When filling in my information on an online job-site, I can only choose between entering 3.9 or 3.8. In this case, should I round up to 3.9 or round down to 3.8?
Shrey's user avatar
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GPA calculation in German Grading system

I am studying in a German University where the GPA grades are : 1.0 , 1.3, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.7, 4.0 with 1.0 being the best score a student can get in exam and below 4.0 it is fail. ...
Srijani Ghosh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should I focus on GPA or publishing (undergraduate)?

I have high GPA. However, I'm now in my last undergraduate year and I feel attracted to research and publishing research outputs. Should I go ahead with publishing my research? This may negatively ...
Mohamad Na's user avatar
4 votes
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minimum GPA for top math phd programs

My question is pretty straightforward. I am just wondering what you think is the minimum GPA score that could keep me in good standing regarding my application for top math phd programs, such as ...
AT R's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
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Did I screw myself out of graduate school? [closed]

I graduated from a state school in 2009 with a 2.77 overall GPA. I technically should have graduated in 2008, but was only going part time, so I stretched it out and became a "super senior." ...
thegiantshmeek's user avatar

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