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Minor Narrative Discrepancy in Submitted Paper

I recently submitted a paper and realized there is a minor discrepancy in the narrative. I ran additonal experiments that combine my method with other approaches, showing improvements can be made. The ...
Sarah's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How should I acknowledge a reviewer who left a negative review?

I submitted a paper to a journal and received three peer reviews. Two reviews were very positive and recommended acceptance, and one was very negative and recommended rejection. This journal does non-...
tparker's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is it useful to mention that you are an early career researcher in journal article cover letters?

I recently attended a political science conference where there was a workshop for early career researchers (ECR). During the workshop, a senior scholar mentioned that it is useful for him a journal ...
maldini1990's user avatar
0 votes
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How much time chief editors usually take to make final decision on a manuscript? [duplicate]

I have a manuscript submitted to a good (SCIE indexed) maths journal. I received a minor revision on May 27, 2024. I submitted the revised version on June 1, 2024, addressing all the reviewers' ...
Nik's user avatar
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1 answer

what are the conditions that make the status changed from Reviewing Completed to Reviewers Assigned? [duplicate]

I got major revision and the status was under review for the 2 reviewers from 10/7/2024 and go Reviewing Completed in 26/7/2024 but the status become Reviewers Assigned after sometime. Does that mean ...
prog 's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Submitting paper to lower tier journal instead of doing major revision at higher tier journal

I am about to submit a paper from my master's thesis, my ex supervisor is my co-author. They are letting me choose between two journals: one is a top journal, one is a good journal. I'd like to submit ...
Lilla's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Difference in approach when reviewing papers vs grants

Normally, we begin our experiences as peer-reviewers by answering request from journals and conferences to review papers. In these cases, all the details are included and the quality of the science ...
N A McMahon's user avatar
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0 votes
6 answers

Is it normal for journal reviewers to reject submissions based on non-scientific reasoning? [closed]

Is it normal for reviewers to use nonfactual statements as reasons to reject journal submissions? Here, nonfactual statements will be defined as statements that are in contradiction with verified ...
ScienceIsNotOpinion's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should you ever pick "recommended" or "opposed" reviewers for journal submissions in social science?

This question applies to all disciplines but I am curious here about social science journals in particular. Is it ever a good idea to name/identify specific reviewers that you would like to have them ...
maldini1990's user avatar
18 votes
10 answers

What are good reasons for declining to referee a manuscript that hasn't been posted on arXiv?

This question is inspired by the comments under this answer, specifically the points raised by user TimRias. The discussion was about a paper submitted to Physical Review D (PRD), a journal covering ...
Anyon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Status of a manuscript whose required reviews are completed

I have submitted a paper to a good math journal in first week of May 2024. After a month (+ a week at most), the online system shows the status “Required reviews completed”. However, to this day, I ...
Nik's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Does quick review means likely rejection?

I recently submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal in the management area, where I can track the review status. After submitting the paper, I found that one of the reviewers completed the review just ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Waited almost a year and a half for a review. The reviewer reviewed the wrong paper. What to do?

Waited almost a year and a half for a review. The reviewer reviewed the wrong paper. What to do? Can I ask the editor to really expedite the next review?
user354948's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

I have sent an email to an editor of a highly competitive math journal, asking if they think I should submit my paper there or not. The editor is an expert in the field of the paper, so my email was ...
The N's user avatar
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Minor Revision Response Waiting Period [duplicate]

I've submitted a paper to a Q2 journal of economics after which I've got a response 5 months later recommending minor revision. I have then submitted the revised manuscript which I believe has ...
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
2 votes
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Refereeing for American Journal Experts

I was asked via mail (which looks borderline suspicious) to referee a paper for the American Journal Experts AJE, who claim to coordinate the refereeing for a Hindawi journal dedicated to applied ...
Rooibos's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

'Decision on process' directly from with editor [duplicate]

I have submitted my original research manuscript to a reputed journal in Elsevier, initially it showed with editor and after 5 days it started showing decision in process.Its been 20 days since it ...
rrahul 1078's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Probability of Acceptance After Two Minor Revisions [closed]

I submitted an article to a Springer journal on November 25, 2023. I received a major revision in March with comments from Reviewer 1 only. In the second round, I received a minor revision with ...
Go masha's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do you think that publishing a documented script in R (e.g. on GitHub) can increase the chance of publication?

I am involved in environmental science. The data analysis for my following scientific paper is done 100% in R. I'm wondering if I should clean up my script before submitting the article for review and ...
crtnnn's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is it possible that the editor is still looking for other reveiwers while one reviewer has submitted the reviewer report? [duplicate]

I submitted my manuscript in April 2024, and it was sent out for review 10 days later. As this is an Elsevier journal, I can track the progress of the peer review. More than two review invitations ...
adam633's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Should Conference Paper Reviewers Conduct Preliminary Literature Searches Before Evaluating Submissions?

I am curious about the extent to which reviewers should engage with the existing literature before evaluating a submitted paper. Specifically, is it advisable or expected for reviewers to search for ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

When is it appropriate to suggest a nonpreferred reviewer?

I submitted a manuscript to a journal and got desk rejected by the editor who also gave feedback on why the manuscript was rejected. We made changes to address this feedback but after some back and ...
H.Traver's user avatar
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3 answers

Reviewers do not live up to own quality standards

I have the impression that some reviewers have quality standards that they themselves cannot, or do not fully live up to when in the author role. However, since in most journals/conferences, the ...
mto_19's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

My supervisor is promoting my work (that I think has flaws) everywhere - what to do?

I am in a situation that might seems a bit odd. I published my research work in a pretty good journal. However, I believe that peer review wasn’t very strict (in my opinion). And this work is ...
nArA's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How much is simplicity of ideas/approaches in a paper appreciated by journals and reviewers?

I'm about to publish a paper (in a STEM-related field) that is based on a simple (but effective) idea that can be described in a few sentences, so it sounds almost trivial upon reading the description....
zx-81's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Reviewing paper (probably) written by mentor?

I am a grad student reviewing papers for a small workshop at an upcoming conference. I am fairly certain one of the papers assigned to me is written by my direct research mentor, with whom I'm doing ...
Karl Capricorni's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Review not needed after review

After reviewing a paper 1 month ago, I received the following email: "It has since become clear that I will not need you to review the submitted manuscript at this time." Has anyone ...
Simon's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Handling cases of "potential" ChatGPT-generated reviews in non-anonymous program committees (as a PC member)

I am currently serving on the program committee (PC) of a top-tier venue in computer science. Every paper is reviewed by 3-4 PC members; then, the authors can then see the reviews and respond with a &...
P. Shark's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Do published articles go through detailed check? And often require a extra data to be submitted

I have published a paper and one month after publication my supervisor is telling me that I should prepare a bunch of statistical tests for that published paper, even though usually in my area (...
nArA's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the best way of citing a colleagues not yet given conference presentation?

I am finishing a paper and will probably submit within the next month or so. I would like to cite the upcoming conference presentation of a colleague (wich will also be published as a conference paper ...
Sursula's user avatar
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How should a manuscript "cut in parts" be evaluated?

This concerns some mathematics papers submitted for review. Essentially, I have received requests from two different journals asking me to referee papers, which are parts 2 and 3 of a sequence; ...
anonymousx's user avatar
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Long Delay from Springer Journal: Should I Continue Waiting or Seek Alternatives? [duplicate]

I submitted an article to a Springer journal 13 months ago. Each time I inquire about the status, I receive the same response: "The paper is currently with the editor for evaluation and the ...
Educ's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

A platform for collaborative research projects?

This question may sound unusual but I'm have been searching for a while now for a platform for collaborative research projects? The concept here is simple. Experienced researchers sign up and verify ...
Mohammad 's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I become a peer reveiver in a journal [duplicate]

I have masters and have been working for 5 years. I have 1 paper published where I am in the list of contributors, basically not the first or second author. I have 2 other papers in the process where ...
SK P's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Should I wait to send a revised manuscript?

We submitted a manuscript to a well-known journal. The first round of reviews came in 6 months later. We revised, resubmitted in about 3 weeks (they gave us two weeks to r&r) and we got a new, ...
Dervin Thunk's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Polarizing paper "almost good enough", but no revision offered

For several years, I've been trying to publish a specific line of research, without success. Rejections are common in academia, so the lack of success is not surprising. During peer review the ...
mto_19's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can you share you got a Major Revision on LinkedIn?

I recently got my first Major Revision and I would like to share the good news, but I'm not sure if there is a non spoken rule that you shouldn't be publicly sharing that info during the review ...
ImplingDig1's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

When is it worthwhile to report academic misconduct of a referee?

Sometimes academics become aware of misconduct of other academics. Reporting it can backfire if it comes off as petty squabbling to senior people. It’s also not clear that reporting misconduct often ...
David White's user avatar
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The number of ‘review invitations accepted' reduced?

I have a paper submission to Elsevier. It's a revised re-submission after one round of review. I got review feedback from 2 reviewers in the first round review. So for our re-submission I suspect the ...
John's user avatar
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0 votes
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What does this kind of ”Decision Pending“ mean? [duplicate]

I submitted my manuscript to Talyor Francis and it went to “Decision Pending” directly after the “With Journal Administrator” stage. Is it likely to be rejected? author dashboard screenshot Thanks a ...
shuyi's user avatar
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Pages and lines in a paper. What does the reviewer mean?

Recently the editor of the American Mathematical Monthly informed me that I should revise my paper according to suggestions of the reviewers. The problem is that the second reviewer suggests something ...
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Is a reviewer allowed to delegate their peer reviewing task to someone else?

I have been wondering lately if a person, who has signed up as a peer reviewer at a journal (or multiple), can then delegate their duties to someone else (think senior scientist tells lower level ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
5 votes
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Potential Plagiarism by a reviewer (that we recommended to PC chair)

I recently submitted a paper to a conference and received four positive reviews and one negative review. The negative reviewer did not want any discussion on the paper, so we contacted the program ...
arbitUser1401's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What is the reasoning behind putting table and figures at the very end of submitted papers? [duplicate]

Sometimes papers I receive for review will not have the tables and figures placed in the text body where the are referenced, but instead at the very end after the bibliography. I personally find that ...
Sursula's user avatar
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3 votes
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How long do you ideally spend on reviewing a journal submission as a reviewer? [duplicate]

I am new to volunteering as a peer reviewer for a journal. I want to be helpful to the authors, but recognise that my time is valuable. I'm just wondering, how do you think about limits to time spent ...
realkevlar's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How do you validate the credibility of arXiv cited papers in IEEE conferences?

As a reviewer, should I point in the comments that, "I" think it is not right to cite a paper that is not peer reviewed -- arXiv papers, rather, cite a closely related/relevant peer reviewed ...
goldfinch's user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

Should I recommend a reviewer that I have no contact with?

I've received an invitation from an editor of a journal to review an article. After a brief reading, I've determined that the article's scope is beyond my area of expertise, leading me to decline the ...
Hanh's user avatar
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Why sometimes a paper containing old references is considered not ready for publication and sometimes not?

I was wondering if there are research papers that have references that are old (i.e., ten or more years old) and reviewers of those papers have recommended acceptance, but when you want to publish a ...'s user avatar
  • 181
1 vote
1 answer

How to Prevent Peer Review Misconduct under Time Constraints

In peer-reviewed computer science conferences, there is typically a strict schedule for peer-reviews, e.g., by when to submit reviews, during which period should reviewers discuss. Question: As a ...
mto_19's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

Why do journals refuse to see substantially revised manuscripts after rejection?

I have seen many journals that refuse to even see the revision of a manuscript once it was rejected. But here is the thing: Reviewers provide recommendations to what should be changed; editors then ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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