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A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume provides an overview of a person's education, academic and industry experience, some of his qualifications, research interests and a list of his references. A CV may be optimized and edited to highlight some parts of the CV to be presented into a research institute or to apply for a job.

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83 votes
6 answers

Do you list journals you have reviewed for on your CV?

Is it acceptable to list the journals you have reviewed papers for on your CV? Is it common? Do you think it’s recommended? On the one hand, it shows that you are engaged in this necessary part of ...
F'x's user avatar
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63 votes
10 answers

Would a high Stack Exchange rep make a difference in a job interview?

I am a PhD student in mathematics going into graph theory. I hope to either do a post-doc or (hopefully!) get a tenure-track position at a research-oriented university after graduation. I don't have a ...
Sean English's user avatar
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62 votes
10 answers

Personal web page vs vs ResearchGate

I will soon finish my PhD and start searching for a post-doc position and I was wondering which web-based solution is the best suited to present myself and my work (I work in plant biology). I see ...
Wiliam's user avatar
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59 votes
5 answers

Should I post publications in preparation (or just submitted) on my CV?

If I have works that are almost submitted to journals, or are in journal review, is it appropriate to include these on my CV?
user5776's user avatar
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52 votes
8 answers

Why do mothers list their children's dates of birth on academic CV?

I've heard anecdotally that some mothers will list the dates of birth of their children on their CV, but I've never seen it done myself. The intended effect seems to provide a kind of excuse for lower ...
Pburg's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

Can I put an invited talk on my CV if the conference was canceled?

I was invited to give a talk at an important conference, which has now been canceled due to coronavirus. Can I still list the fact that I was invited on my CV, with a parenthetical note? It's not the ...
Frustrated academic's user avatar
50 votes
1 answer

Large, non-random proportion of students not invited for evaluation of a course

In the (not so distant) past I have received the student evaluations for my course. The evaluation was mediocre, something that surprised me since I thought I had good connection with the students ...
PsySp's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

What's the purpose of writing one's academic biography in the third person?

I see some academics – both professors and grad students – write their biography on their university webpages in the third person, and it sounds really weird. What's the purpose of writing about ...
user avatar
49 votes
7 answers

What's the point of maintaining a CV after tenure?

Once you have tenure, presumably you're never going to have to search for a job again. However almost all professors have a CV on their website, and fairly recent ones. Why? They already made it.
user avatar
49 votes
2 answers

What to do after I was named as co-author on a paper, without my consent?

A few years ago, I found a conference paper, of which I was a co-author, being re-published as an article in a (not highly ranked) journal. It was a textbook example of plagiarism, copy-pasting whole ...
Alex's user avatar
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48 votes
3 answers

Whether/how to list a failed student on my CV

I'm a postdoctoral researcher. My professor recently asked me to co-supervise one of her doctoral students, whom she also employed full-time as a research scientist. Since I had no prior experience ...
user67171's user avatar
  • 461
46 votes
6 answers

Stack Overflow reputation in CV

Should I mention my Stack Overflow (and other Stack Exchange sites) reputation in my CV while applying for a post-graduate position?
Vikram's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

How to communicate achievements on the StackExchange network in an academic CV or job interview?

I think contributions to StackExchange constitute a valuable thing for an academic to do. In many cases such contributions are directly related to the aims of an academic department: community ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
44 votes
12 answers

Do résumés written in LaTeX show more promise when applying to graduate schools?

I am a computer science student from India. I noticed that most of the résumés and thesis papers etc. I see are written in LaTeX. If I write my résumé in Word (say) rather than LaTeX, will it have a ...
user's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

A colleague's CV is taking credit for service that I did, and now we're both on the shortlist for a job. Is there anything that I can do?

A few years ago I undertook the position of co-editor as a journal and organized a redesign of the entire journal: new layout, new cover, new typesetting, new printers, everything. I'm very proud of ...
Richard's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

How "submitted", "to appear", "accepted" papers are evaluated in a CV?

Assume a search committee is reading my CV and in the publication section they notice some of my papers are only submitted or claimed to appear in a journal (or accepted for publication in a journal). ...
user avatar
44 votes
5 answers

What tools make it easy to maintain (or avoid!) the N versions of your CV?

Academics need various forms of their CV, depending on what purpose it's being used for. In my case, here are reasons I've had to re-format or have a different version of my CV: promotion and tenure, ...
Fuhrmanator's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Unsolicited CVs from grad school applicants - ignore or try to help?

I am a graduate student in physics and every other month or so I get an e-mail from someone who wants a grad school or even postdoc position. These e-mails often start out "Dear Professor (my name)," (...
ptomato's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

How does an Erratum on one's own paper affect one's career as a researcher?

I'm still early in my scientific career, with only a few papers published. However, I've discovered a typo in a non-critical equation of my paper, and one of the graphs in the same paper should have ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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41 votes
9 answers

CV for leaving academia after PhD

I am soon finishing my PhD in computer science and I decided to leave academia for the industry (not industry research). I am not clear about what to include in the CV. I currently structured it ...
user695652's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

Is it appropriate to mention one's religion in an academic CV?

I recently moved to a Nordic country in an academic position. For my first grant application, I collaborated with other researchers at the university. As I was submitting the proposal along with the ...
Prometheus's user avatar
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38 votes
7 answers

Photo requirement on CV?

I came across an advertisement of an academic position (in Europe) that states explicitly: Application package should include:  (1) a complete curriculum vitae (with a photo), (...) I have ...
PsySp's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

When should I stop including talks on my cv?

When I was applying for grad school, I felt that my CV was pretty empty and so I included all my research related presentations (posters/talks) from conferences/competitions/etc (11 of them at the ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

How to list a paper in your CV when having 1000 co-authors?

This is a follow up to the question What is the point of listing 1000 authors for a single scientific paper?, I'm just curious. Supposed I were the 900th co-author in a paper with 1000 authors. How ...
sean's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

Is it beneficial to publish papers not related to your primary research field?

I know there is nothing preventing me from publishing an article in a different research field, but is it beneficial other than for satisfying my own interest/curiosity? Presumably these may be added ...
user avatar
35 votes
7 answers

Is TA-ing worth the opportunity cost (of having more time for research)?

If you already have funding, is TA-ing (i.e. being a teaching assistant) worth the opportunity cost of doing more research? What are the relevant considerations? I've always heard that focusing on ...
capybaralet's user avatar
35 votes
4 answers

For undergraduates, is publishing "weak" research better than not publishing?

As an undergraduate student, I have worked on some projects for my own interest, and recently a professor said that one of these works can be published (in a Elsevier journal with impact factor of ...
Mostafa's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Indicating a name change after publication

My wife has publications under both her maiden name and her married name. How should she indicate that this is the case on her CV, if she wants to mention publications from both time periods?
Tacroy's user avatar
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34 votes
7 answers

How should I investigate and respond to a potentially false claim of a publication in the CV of an applicant?

I was reviewing an application for a grant and found out that one of the applicants has included a publication on his CV that does not exist in the journal. It was supposedly published several years ...
xavier's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

Can I claim to have completed my degree on my résumé, prior to convocating and receiving the physical diploma? [duplicate]

I just received my (passing) grades for my last remaining courses for my BSc. I’ve completed all my requirements, but the next convocation ceremonies don’t take place until Summer 2018. Likewise, I ...
Alexander's user avatar
  • 451
33 votes
7 answers

Dates on degrees don’t make sense – will people care?

I got my bachelor’s and master’s from different universities in different countries: I enrolled for my master’s overseas when I hadn’t officially graduated undergrad yet, despite having done the ...
chris's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Is it "vita" or "vitae"? Why?

I recently attended a "preparing for the job market" workshop for PhD students where the speaker instructed us in no uncertain terms that we should always refer to a "curriculum vitae" and never a "...
user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

How to put 14-year Ph.D. on C.V.?

I took 14 years to finish my Ph.D. Mostly this was due to a health problem (now cured); partly it was because I bit off too large a research problem. It's done now, though, and I'm applying for an ...
Tiger's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Should I include a publication where I'm only acknowledged (and not one of the authors) in my CV?

Suppose that I've helped other researchers with the statistical analyses for an epidemiological study and therefore I am acknowledged for that in the "Acknowledgments" section of the paper (something ...
boscovich's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Is use of unconventional design elements or layout something frowned upon in academic context?

I quite enjoy paying attention to how I design my documents and presentations. I usually spend hours thinking over and designing my slides for a workshop or presentation, so that they are ...
posdef's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

Is listing non-academic interests on academic CVs important?

Since the first time I had to write an (academic) CV, I seem to be getting two conflicting opinions on the subject of including non-academic interests on an academic CV. (Some examples of such ...
penelope's user avatar
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31 votes
9 answers

Should I include salary information on my CV?

I am about to graduate with a PhD. I have an accomplished advisor (whose advice I value very much) who told me that I should always include the salary of my previous and current job in my CV when ...
MathIsArt's user avatar
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31 votes
11 answers

Can I hide my bachelor and master degrees in CV when I apply for a PhD position?

I have 1 Bachelors degree and 2 Masters degrees. They are in different subjects, not closely related. I am now planning to apply for a PhD program. Question: Do you think that I can only mention the ...
postit's user avatar
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31 votes
7 answers

Is it advisable to have many clickable hyperlinks in an academic CV?

I have recently been updating my academic CV. I realise that some items are not as internationally recognised as to that every reader will be aware of their importance without googling them. Hence, I ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

How should a PhD student approach a collaboration?

I'm a PhD student at a top-ten university in the UK. I'm just starting the second year of my social science doctorate. I'm way 'ahead' of where I should be at the moment in terms of words written, ...
UltimaRatioRegum's user avatar
30 votes
12 answers

Is it ethical to omit the PhD credential from my resume?

I am applying for a Statistical Programmer position at a commercial research organization (CRO), and I am wondering if it is unethical to omit my PhD in Statistics from my resume? All of my degrees (...
jschnieder's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

How should I state a 'PhD dropout' in my CV? [duplicate]

I was a final year PhD student (into the last quarter of year 4) in cancer research (passed my qualifying 2 yrs back) but was let go thereafter due to 'unsatisfactory progress' as my data is not ...
Psy's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

Naming students one has supervised in a CV

What are the privacy implications of including a section in a CV listing information about students that one has supervised, e.g.: PhD supervision Jane Doe. Awesome thesis title (2020). John Smith. ...
avid's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

I prepared a course, but cancelled it due to lack of participants. How to describe in CV?

I prepared a course (more specifically, I created some material for the kick-off meeting and an outline for the contents that would have been addressed if the course would have taken place), but there ...
lighthouse keeper's user avatar
27 votes
7 answers

What to do if I can't get a visa to attend a conference that accepted my paper?

My work got accepted into a very good category in a very good conference in my field. Due to complicated visa issues it will be very hard for me to attend that conference. If I don't attend the ...
Durai Arasan's user avatar
27 votes
6 answers

What do search committees really read in a CV during initial screening for a faculty position?

Faculty positions are very competitive, and each advertisement should roughly receive hundreds of applications. I think search committees cannot spend more than 1 min reading each CV during the ...
user31966's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Should I mention that I worked as a professional online poker player on my university application?

I'm 27 years old and I'm applying to university. On the applications it ask the student to list activities and employment during time away from school. I played online poker for living for ≈4 years, ...
calist0's user avatar
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26 votes
7 answers

Is one spelling mistake in the academic CV a big deal?

Just after submitting my CV to graduate school for masters admission, I realized that there was one spelling mistake on the first page of my CV. I misspelled the word 'merchandising'(missed the h). Is ...
user avatar
26 votes
8 answers

How does it look if I finish my PhD in five years instead of four?

I’m doing my PhD in computer science in Germany and next year would be my 4th (last) year. I can wrap it up until then, but I really like to have an extension to the 5th year. There are still 2–3 ...
Bob's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Do presentations given during interviews count as invited talks?

I am in the process of interviewing for faculty positions and trying to keep my CV up to date as I go. Should I include research (or teaching) presentations given during on-campus interviews as ...
Brian Maicke's user avatar
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