Questions tagged [communication]

Questions about how to communicate with others appropriately and professionally; communication etiquette.

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Professor submitted my letter of recommendation after I removed him

I had sent a reminder to the professor for submitting my letter of recommendation about two days before the deadline, but he didn't reply to me. He was highly unresponsive after initially agreeing. As ...
earworm's user avatar
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How can I enable productive online meetings with my supervisor?

I am currently writing my master's thesis. My advisor is very busy, and I reckon he will allocate about 1-3 hours a month to actively supervise me, at least in the near future. Due to the ongoing ...
Jonas Schwarz's user avatar
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Should I correct my previous statement to a stranger after several years?

A stranger sent me an email asking for a solution and advice on a technical problem years ago. I gave him my personal opinon and solution at that time. Now, several years later, I found that some of ...
konchy's user avatar
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How to handle unresponsive ex-supervisor on the submission of an article?

During my master's, I had done a project which yielded some interesting results that I and my supervisor started to write up. I moved to a different university (and country) for my PhD and kept ...
ResearchEnthusiast's user avatar
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Do I need to be in a constant touch with the community to get the admissions?

I just completed my masters degree. Some of my seniors are constantly advising me to "increase" my touch with the academic community. They say that this increases the chances of getting the ...
Niranjan's user avatar
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How can I politely request that an authority figure respected protocol?

I am in a postgraduate program, part of which is to do an internship at an organization or school recommended by the program, mostly by observing a class or by shadowing a professor at his job. ...
Tycho's Nose's user avatar
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Undergraduate supervisor leaving on a sabbatical

I recently found out one of my undergraduate supervisors/mentors has been accepted as a visiting fellow at MIT. If all goes to plan, he'll be at MIT starting next fall. I'm a senior year student of ...
Junaid Aftab's user avatar
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How to start working independently in a project?

It has been two months since I joined in this new project. I have put to work along with another postdoc researcher. Now we both have been asked to set a pipeline for sequencing analysis. This person ...
Priya's user avatar
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A measure implementation from my group deviates from an official implementation

In my master's thesis work, I am using several algorithmic measures to assess the difference between conditions. One measure in particular is important to predict 'quality'. This may sound weird in ...
Jonas Schwarz's user avatar
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Contacting a potential advisor: Where should I go from here?

About two and a half weeks ago, I contacted five potential advisors at a school that I am planning to do my master’s at. Three of them got back to me and said they are not expecting any graduate ...
aspire94's user avatar
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What can I do if my academic references are not responsive?

I provided references of two Professors from my previous University. I talked to them before supplying the references. I believe, the universities sent some Emails asking them for some kind of ...
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