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6 votes
1 answer

Copy/paste from the PhD thesis into my future publication [duplicate]

I am writing my PhD thesis right now. I do not have any published paper by now, but a manuscript which will be published probably after or at the same time of my defense. Can I just Copy/ Paste some ...
Science's user avatar
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109 votes
3 answers

What is a “sandwich thesis”?

On the Internet, I have found that some people have graduated with a PhD by means of a “sandwich thesis”. Could anyone explain what it is?
Dr. Snoopy's user avatar
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21 votes
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Who Owns the Publishing Rights of my Ph.D. Thesis?

I wrote my Ph.D. thesis without copy/pasting any of my prior published articles. Now that the university library got hold of my Ph.D. thesis; I'm wondering who owns the entire publishing rights of my ...
o-0's user avatar
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29 votes
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Can I publish parts of the Ph.D thesis as a paper in a journal?

I recently finished my PhD thesis which will be published as a book soon. Now I'm wondering if it's possible or allowed to submit parts to a journal? Normally the process would be the other way round ...
John's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Does publishing a book while employed by an academic institution grant them legal claim on the royalties?

If I publish a book on my research topics while employed for an academic institution, can they claim part of the revenues I get from royalties ? My question is relative to Europe, but if someone knows ...
Stefano Borini's user avatar
24 votes
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How much overlap is permitted between a submitted journal article and a thesis?

I'm currently writing a journal article to be published, and the work from this article is basically the entire work of my Master's thesis. Clearly a thesis is usually more involved and fleshed out ...
oreos's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to mention a completely rewritten article in PhD thesis?

First of all, I am from Europe. At my university are hardly any regulations of the form of my PhD thesis, especially nothing that concerns the following question: I published a paper as a first ...
Adam's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I use text from my dissertation in a manuscript?

There has been general discussion of whether one can use a published work in their dissertation, with the consensus being 'of course'! The first two chapters of my thesis will be published works. I'm ...
vector07's user avatar
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0 votes
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Can I reuse parts of a chapter from a text book in my thesis?

This question is related to this one. Only this time it's not about a journal paper but a chapter in a text book. I am first author of the chapter in the text book that was published by a renowned ...
Ethunxxx's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Citing a previously unpublished master’s thesis, can I simply use part of my thesis to apply to a conference?

I wrote my master’s thesis which looked at something through two different lenses using two different datasets. I want to use one of those angles to submit a paper to a conference, and potentially the ...
academiahelpnow's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I still claim the novelty of my PhD contribution in later publications?

I understand that it is common to publish a number of conference papers while working on PhD and, then, publish conference/journal articles from your thesis afterwards. However, when the main ...
PatternRecognition's user avatar
0 votes
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Self-plagiarism in Publication-based commentary PhD thesis? [duplicate]

I am writing a publication-based PhD thesis, and the thesis will not be publicly accessible once has been finished due to classified data included. The thesis is not the traditional sandwiched thesis, ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Writing PhD thesis by copying and pasting paragraphs from publications I authored or co-authored: is this plagiarism? [duplicate]

I'm planning to write my PhD thesis about the work I authored or co-authored in published journal. In this case, is it okay to simply copy and paste the paragraph from the paper to my thesis? Is this ...
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