Linked Questions

2 votes
2 answers

Declined PhD offer, but now I regret it [duplicate]

Last summer, I was offered a Ph.D. position at a famous University, but unfortunately, while initially I accepted it, then I had to reject it due to significant family circumstances that I explained ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is intentionally delaying graduation questionable?

I'm in a 3 year pure math BSc in Europe, currently on my 5th semester, definitely can graduate by the end of the spring semester of 2022. I have heard in this SE that graduating earlier than planned (...
6 votes
3 answers

How to stop feeling you aren’t good enough? [duplicate]

Is it normal to be put down in your first year of a PhD? I won't lie, there's been a massive learning curve for me this year to get used to how things are done at this level. Even simple things like ...
11 votes
2 answers

How can a student evaluate themself?

For background, I'm a first year PhD student in a mathematics program. Basically, I can't tell if I'm "where I should be". As an undergrad, I read before class and lecture felt like a nice ...
7 votes
4 answers

What is the best procedure to exit academia as a postdoc?

I'm a postdoc based in Europe working in a theoretical/computational field with a background in physics and am considering leaving academia. There are various reasons for this, but most importantly I ...
5 votes
1 answer

First year of PhD, I feel anxious all the time because of the coursework

I'm in my first year of a linguistic PhD program. I have courses to take, which is nice because I always think these would equip me with deeper knowledge about this field and prepare me to be a decent ...
125 votes
19 answers

Should I quit my PhD - workload, self-esteem and social life [closed]

I don't really want a degree. I just want to get married, and have weekends and evenings off, and chill out and play board games, and have nice conversations with friends, and have time to exercise ...
3 votes
2 answers

Importance of my PhD research for my post-doc

I'm a first year PhD student and my research is related to Quiver representation and recently I have been looking at semi- invariant rings in the context of Quiver representation. Sometimes I feel ...
9 votes
5 answers

Feeling inadequate as a PhD student

I just started a STEM PhD before last christmas and whilst things are going okay, I still feel like I'm not good enough and don't deserve the opportunity. I guess it's some form of imposter syndrome ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does it get easier?

So I'm a current PhD student in applied math. My interests have somewhat gravitated over time so I feel like I'm constantly in new territory and constantly struggling to understand the papers I read. ...
22 votes
3 answers

Failed at all meetings

I am a postdoc researcher in mathematics and finished my Ph.D. some month ago. I wrote three papers during my Ph.D., and I am the only author for two of them. The day when I started my postdoc ...
19 votes
6 answers

I am lost with my career path. I am questioning my ability to be in research field, academia or otherwise. What to do? [duplicate]

I am 31 soon to be 32, I don't know what I am doing with my life. I have a PhD in computational chemistry from a top 50 world ranking university. But, it did not turn out well and took too long to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Should I quit the PhD program? [closed]

I am currently enrolled in a Computer Science PhD program in USA, and this is my third year(I changed my PhD advisor after my first year). I have written two papers with my new PhD advisor. The first ...
0 votes
1 answer

Should I let a bad mark from 10 years ago discourage me from taking on a TAship? [duplicate]

10 years ago it was my first year in University and I bombed a course in programming. I had no programming experience and was competing with people have been programming since 10. I felt stupid and my ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have a career in academia and not be confident in their field of research? [duplicate]

I thought getting a PhD in my mechanical engineering field would lead in gaining confidence in the field. However, it became other way round. I am far less confident on my skills and knowledge than I ...

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