In a article I saw this expression:
... initial sample (cfr. Härdle et al. (2004))...
What is the meaning of cfr.
or does it stands for?
In a article I saw this expression:
... initial sample (cfr. Härdle et al. (2004))...
What is the meaning of cfr.
or does it stands for?
Cfr is the abbreviation of the Latin imperative confer, which means compare with. The common English abbreviation is cf.
Your citation can be found in this document, which is written by a Spanish group. A search of the Oxford Spanish Dictionary yields:
1 Abreviatura del imperativo latino confer, 'compara' o 'consulta', que se utiliza en escritos para remitir a un párrafo o libro que contiene información relacionada con el tema tratado.
También se abrevia cfr
The last sentence tells you that in Spanish cf is sometimes abbreviated as cfr.