I have graduated with a master's and have maintained collaboration with my advisor to publish papers. I have a paper accepted in a rank A+ conference of my field.
My university e-mail address is still active but my advisor recommended I use my gmail address. I should be starting a PhD next year at the same institution so the address is likely to stay active. I put this university as affiliation since I did the work there.
Assuming I use the gmail address, should I add a footnote to my name saying "Work completed while an MSc student at institution" to explain the affiliation?
In acknowledgements, authors acknowledge grants for funding their work. Is it a place where an alumni can say he did the work as a student at the institution?
I've seen this done for papers published by students about work done during internships at companies while providing a university affiliation, such as "This work was completed while name was at company" but never have I seen this for alumni. Is it because it doesn't happen often, or would a footnote be perceived as pompous?
Edit: A comment suggested this question possibly duplicates What affiliation to put on an academic paper for alumni authors? . This is not the case, I said in the question "I put this university as affiliation since I did the work there." . My question is about adding a footnote, or an acknowledgement, indicating I was a student there when I did the work. Question edited for clarity.