Please Note I am asking how to cite a paper under blind-reviewed in an accepted paper, NOT a new paper to be submitted.
- First, I submitted paper A that requires double-blind review.
- Then, I cite it in another paper B. (In paper B, I explained that paper A is not available since it is under a double-blind review process)
- Paper B is accepted while paper A is still under review.
- Now I have to submit the camera ready version of Paper B before the notification of Paper A.
Solution I
Put my blind review article into a pre-print archive (e.g. arXiv) so that it can be available for citing. But, would it "spoil" the blind review process?
Solution II
place an anonymized version of paper A in a dropbox folder and cite it with a link to that dropbox file in the reference. (Inspired by dsfgsho's answer to Double-blind review: submit a follow-up paper in a very short time)
What's the better solution? Is there any other solutions?
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