For any paper on Google Scholar, you can click "Cited by ..." to see a list of subsequent papers that cite the original paper.

However, is it possible to see a list of papers that the original paper cites? I realize that one can simply view the paper itself for the list of references, but I would like a way to see it as a list of links in Google Scholar, similar to the "Cited by ..." list.

  • 5
    Maybe this could be a more general question: even beyond Google Scholar, is there a good source for this information that does not require you to have access to the paper?
    – AJK
    Commented Jan 21, 2017 at 6:22
  • In some cases, Google Scholar gives you a link to a website that has a list of the referenced papers: the journal's website or an online repository like IEEEexplore. Commented Jan 21, 2017 at 9:09
  • If I'm not mistaken, Scopus can do this. Unfortunately I don't have access to it at my university.
    – K. Tyler
    Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 19:00

3 Answers 3


As you mentioned, unfortunately, Google Scholar only provides the list of publications that cite a given reference.

However, if you have access to Web of Science, to look up a list of references cited in a given publication, you can use the Cited References tool.

Note that some journals are not indexed by Web of Science, so having several tools to do the job may be the best way to approach this; e.g., in addition to Web of Science, you could also use Research Gate as mentioned in the other answer. For those journals that are indexed by Web of Science, I find the Cited References tool to be very useful.


No, Google Scholar does not do this. If you want the content of the paper you are going to need to access the paper. I would suggest you find the paper on Research Gate, where many of the references are active links.


UPDATE: Microsoft is no longer providing the Microsoft Academic (Ended in December of 2021).

Google Scholar might not give you this option but your problem might be solved by Microsoft Academic. In Microsoft Academic, there is a tab that shows the references in a very simple manner.

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