Background: I am a fourth year math graduate student in the US.
I recently gave a talk in an undergraduate mathematics seminar at my university, and one of my friends in attendance offered to record a video of it for me. I accepted his offer, since it will give me a chance to review my presentation and polish it, should I give it again at some point in the future. However, he also suggested another use for it: post it to my personal website as an example of my teaching.
I felt the seminar went quite well and the recording quality is reasonable, so I am comfortable with such a thing representing me online. The main questions I have are as follows:
Is such a thing appropriate on a personal website? Could it be considered a bit overbearing?
Will this make any difference when applying for teaching positions? Would anyone on a committee ever even bother to look at such a thing, let alone my personal website?
In a similar vein, should I try to make more of these? Is it worth the trouble to have more examples of my teaching available?
Are there any other points I have overlooked? Unforeseen benefits or possible pitfalls/risks, perhaps?
Any commentary whatsoever is certainly appreciated.