New Zealand is heavily invested in the "Publish or Perish" mindset, to the point where it's not even funny. Research funding is allocated entirely on the basis of an exercise called the PBRF ( and academics spend a significant amount of their time preparing for this. More publications are better; the venues are not so important (although New Zealand academics do not typically publish in predatory journals.) The quantity of publications is probably the single most important factor in any hiring decision by a New Zealand university.
[PS. Looking at your questions, many of them seem to be about "New Zealand Universities" in general. Bear in mind that there are only eight universities in New Zealand, several of which might not have a program in your area. It might be a good idea to address your questions to people who are in New Zealand, rather than random StackExchangers who may be tempted to Google the answer to earn internet points. For example, you could look for an Australia/New Zealand mailing list for academics in your subject and try asking the same questions there.]