Just found this site and did some searching around but I'm not sure anyone is as nuts as I am. Long story short I've been living with a severe anxiety surrounding school. I'm 29 years old now and am finally getting to the root of my issue, and it's making a lot of sense. Everything except how to move forward. I've always wanted to go "all the way" through a Masters Degree but I'm almost certain any competent admissions committee will reject me without question. Here's my scenario:
Community College 1: About 9 years ago I registered for my classes, didn't show up. Dropped by the administration.
Community College 2: About 7 years ago I registered for my classes, showed up for a week, dropped by administration.
Community College 3: 4 years ago I registered for a fresh start. Did one semester successfully but got a D in one class because I had anxiety surrounding showing up for that class. I retook that same class 5 more times each resulting in either a self-initiated withdraw/drop, or a flat-out F because I stopped going and had too much anxiety to admit that i'm dropping again. I have 1 "ok" semester, and 3 complete failure/dropped semesters. Ending GPA is 1.75
Went back to Community College 1. Did well and have a GPA of 3.4. Did not transfer any of the classes from any other school.
Now I'm looking to apply to a 4 year university. I know I need to give them all transcripts from all schools, but I'm really nervous about not getting in anywhere because of my rough history working through that anxiety. I'm mostly concerned about a future Master's program not giving me the time of day. I have an excellent work history because I always put that first but now that I'm learning how to focus on academics I want to go all the way. Maybe even further for a PhD., if I continue to bust my behind the way I have been.
I'm floating the idea of maybe doing a 2nd Bachelor's before a Master's if I have to do that to prove to a committee that I'm worth a shot.
What would any of you do in my shoes?