The advantage of looking at scientific publications is that they tend to be the most reliable source of information as they are produced using the scientific process. I think the disadvantage of scientific publications is that they are at least generally in the form of a paper document, which while it doesn’t impact their accuracy I think it makes them more boring to read and harder to understand, and might partly explain why a lot of lay people end up trying to learn from less reliable sources of information.
I think if a scientific publication was in a different form, such as a cartoon, or video it would make it easier to be motivated to study it might also make it easier to understand it without sacrificing accuracy. Also on the face of it it would seem like it would be possible to have a scientific publication in cartoon or video form be as accurate as one in paper document form provided that it went through the same peer review process.
Is the reason for scientific publications generally being in paper document form as opposed to something like cartoon or video form just tradition or is there a more practical reason they have the form they do?