I've written a paper draft and given it a provisional title which is slightly tongue-in-cheek (but not in any way offensive; cf. examples below). This title makes my coauthor nervous, as he feels like it may cause the paper itself to be taken less seriously. I'm of the opinion that a fun title simply makes the paper more inviting, but to be honest I don't know whether it makes it more or less likely for readers to engage with and appreciate the paper. Hence the questions of the title: Can a bad paper title hurt you? Can a good one help you?
Some real examples of papers with fun titles:
- "Attention is all you need"
- "How dark matter came to matter"
- This Mathoverflow post contains a whole list of examples.
I realize that it is probably not possible to answer this question in a uniform way for all situations. E.g. the circumstances will certainly be different between law and epidemiology and computer science. But I would appreciate any general guidelines that can be provided, as well as specific advice for physics and adjacent fields.