I'm concerned about two members in my Marketing Simulation school group project this year. Let's call them Member A and Member B, respectively, in this. Besides me, there are 5 members in this group.
Member A:
Informed the group that he would be away for 10-12 days for personal reasons, but ended up being away for 3 whole weeks, and he didn't respond to any of my messages (or my groupmates' messages).
He wanted everyone to give each other 100% on the peer review regardless of what happened.
I noticed he used generative AI in his presentation, and he even admitted to using AI when I asked him. He claimed he edited the text but the editing history shows he didn't.
Member B:
- Asked me if this project is about the marketing simulator or about the textbook (which, in short, the title of the assignment was "Marketing Simulator Presentation")
- Apologized for not putting in enough work after I expressed my concerns, only to miss the rough draft deadline (that was agreed upon by all members) anyways.
- Claimed that they put their part of their work in the document and slides, but no editing history of them doing so existed.
- They ended up doing their work later but made a whole new ppt presentation even though a link dedicated to the ppt was sent to the whole group.
- The teacher even said to them when he saw our slides and went to their section, "I don't know what the heck you're talking about."
I'm mainly worried because a group project because this is worth at least 20%, and if one member gets caught using AI, the whole group may get a 0. It's just a bit stressful because it's too late to kick the members out of this project, and I have not one but two members to worry about. The majority of the grade will be marked as a group, not individually. I'm also scared that if I were to tell the teacher, my group mates would give me a bad mark on the peer review. What should I do?