Several weeks ago, I submitted a comment paper/policy brief of about 800 words to a journal. The paper critiques frequent reports published by major international organizations, which I believe overlook an important aspect. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the topic, it’s crucial that my paper is published soon to maintain its relevance.
As a young researcher, I prefer publishing in peer-reviewed journals. However, I’m not sure of the best action given the time-sensitive nature of my work. Here are the options I’m considering:
- Contacting the editor and explaining my situation to potentially speeding up the review process. Has anyone had success with this approach?
- Publishing a preprint but would it affect my publication in a peer-reviewed journal later?
- Withdrawing and submitting to a magazine style The Economist, The Guardian, etc.
If you think of any better suggestion, please share with me.
I’d appreciate your advice!