First and foremost, I am not a lawyer. :) But I think I’ve got a tricky question: Can I integrate contributing code to an open-source project as part of the curriculum, and if so, how?
Let me provide some context: In particular, engineering students produce code as part of their curriculum (either as part of courses or theses). Often, this does not happen in the void, but the students extend open-source or research software projects. Open source software is software that is available under a license that grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge.
However, from my limited point of view, there is an issue with students’ intellectual property (IP): One could argue that we, as teachers, enforce use rights on their IP when they contribute back to the open source project (or research software under an open-source license).
I think this applies only to contributions as part of their curriculum because if students are employed in any way, their working contracts cover the transfer of use rights.
Am I overthinking the problem? How do you handle that at your university?