I am doing my masters in education in an Arabic speaking country and I have created my own test instrument to use as a pre-test and post-test in an experiment. However, I was told that I need 4 professors in the same major (English curriculum and teaching methods) to proofread and provide input about my test instrument ... in effect, to use them as "jury members(?)" to guarantee the quality of the content and the suitability of the test.
The problem I now face is that that there aren't any professors in my university with the relevant major so I have to find professors online. To me it seems rude to email professors to do such a service because it's normally a paid service, so I was wondering if there was a website specifically for that? In Arabic, this was called رأي الخبراء but I haven't found a similar term in English and I would appreciate any help.
Is there a website for services by professors to proofread a test study tool? And what is this process of checking the study tool called in English?