I am an expert in mathematics in field A. In recent years I got also interested in another field B, being initially motivated by my field A. I have some ideas in field B and I published 3 papers. The first paper is considered to be really interesting by a number of experts, while the third one is not: the referees of the paper claim that the main result easily follows from some folklore in the field.
I feel that I am working mostly in isolation in field B being in e-mail contact only with a couple of experts. In particular I do not attend conferences in field B and have no chance to present my results to a broader community of experts in B. Being out of community I have less opportunities to learn most recent results and folklore. In order to make further progress on the ideas I have, it would be most helpful to find collaborators in field B.
What is the best way to change the situation? I believe I have some ideas to offer to experts in B. How can I get a chance to convince them while they do not know me at all? Is it OK to find a relevant conference, write to organizers, send them a brief description of my results, and ask for an opportunity to speak?