After a lab meeting today, I am absolutely fed up with the state of my lab right now, and the current project being worked on going… nowhere.
A year and a half ago, I joined a mechanical engineering lab at my university that wanted to evaluate pedagogical techniques using EEG signals as a measure for how much students are paying attention.
I was working directly with a PhD student, and initially 99% of my work included reading papers for him, summarizing them, and then explaining them to him, since he didn’t know much about EEG or Cognitive Science. Then, we got to actually making lesson interfaces for the pedagogy part of this lab… this is where things started to get weird.
I made a rather nice interface that would show video displays of a certain mechanical test the PhD recorded (most of their work is just recording videos…) that would also synchronize with the EEG signal collection to the nearest millisecond(the headset which took a year to get despite the fact it was the main point of the research)
The interface worked… but then he told me that they actually wanna do it in C++, so they hired two more undergraduate research assistants and wrote a similar interface in JavaScript and got two conference papers out of it… whatever. Oh well.
Next, IRB is being such a pain. This is my senior year, and recently I joined another target lab at my school, in the area of BCI, which I’ve been wanting to join forever… essentially today I learned at a lab meeting that getting IRB ready would take about another year or so so that I can record student biometric data.
I didn’t say anything yet, but I blew up when I heard this on the inside. I don’t know much about IRB, but the PI mentioned something about some simpler paths the PhD student could have taken at the beginning of the year, but he didn’t act fast enough??
Literally all his contributions have been recording videos and creating text manuals for the lessons while the undergraduates are dealing with the real meat of the project like creating lesson interfaces and the signal processing pipeline.
This is starting to feel like a joke, and especially now that I’m working with a professor that I am really enjoying, where I get to do my own independent research, during a gap year before I apply for PhD programs, I don’t think there is much point in me staying at this lab…
I’m thinking of making the offer to the PI that I am giving 2 months notice, and that when they find a replacement, I will give them the run down fully about the literature, code base I am using, and how we are currently analyzing the signals. I think this is fair, but I’m not sure since it’s in the “middle” of the project.