I'm a fourth year doctoral candidate who is ABD right now and recently got a full time position at a small liberal arts college (SLAC). So far, I'm not off to a great start. I showed up to orientation 20 minutes late in mid August (without giving a prior heads up) and showed up to that event and the regular faculty welcome back fatigued. Even after I moved into my new apartment, it took me well over a week (second week of the semester) to combat my low energy to an extent. At the time, I hadn't moved back to the area at all and had to drive 4.5 hours to it before staying at motels each weekend. Today, I also showed up to the regular newbie faculty meeting 2 minutes late since I first arrived at the wrong location (they changed spots). I should note that I was the only one late to all of those events. Sadly, I'm still going to bed extremely exhausted and waking up exhausted even after I do as little as go to teach for the day. Thus, even though faculty are attending all of these "extra events" at folks' houses and other places via event invites sent out via group chat or email, I've been so exhausted and fatigued that I do not go out to those events.
Throughout the welcome back days and faculty gatherings, they are all extremely lively and bubbly while I never was at all. I have severe social anxiety, so initiating conversations is already difficult. When I'm in group settings though, I'm barely talking or saying anything. When people meet with me one on one or become friends with me, they're often surprised when I tell them I have social anxiety since I've taught courses as a GA and an adjunct instructor prior to my employment at this SLAC (for those wondering, I haven't made friends at this SLAC so no one knows yet).
I've missed emails and not replied to them for upwards of a week (before I'm reminded) among other missed things. Notable one is Starfish and reporting attendance, which I didn't bother to figure out yet. Similarly, I'm also somewhat behind on grading since I have to grade some Nearpod assignments in my Intro sections I'm teaching right now.
For what it's worth, other faculty did notice at gatherings I wouldn't talk and they'd come up to me and ask how I was doing. Super nice of them to do and it's something I try to reciprocate. But, it's tough regardless.
I know something is up with me mentally for sure but I'm also concerned if it's something more than my current neurodivergent conditions. Those conditions (autism, ADHD-I) explain why I've missed so much, but the low energy is a massive struggle.
I'm currently looking for advice on how to comeback from my situation right now (if anything). My department hasn't exactly seen my tendency to be late in action other than one instance where I showed up 3 minutes later to a full faculty meeting (although I'm sure they didn't notice).
ETA: I also teach back-to-back-to-back classes that are 1 hr 20 minutes each. No doubt contributes to the fatigue.
Others have also considered me a "wallflower" who doesn't engage much with others in group settings. When I see everyone is talking a ton, I truly feel like the biggest imposter in the room.
Also, I'm non tenure track for a year in case that's relevant.