In the publications section of the CV, what is the best title for articles that have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed conference or journal and have only been published in the ?
How about "near future publications" ?
In the publications section of the CV, what is the best title for articles that have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed conference or journal and have only been published in the ?
How about "near future publications" ?
The official word used by NIH is "Preprints". I believe this is the correct industry term. Some links for more information:
Accepted but not yet published: accepted, forthcoming, to appear, in press
Under review but not yet accepted: under review, submitted to [journal/conference]
Not yet submitted: manuscript, preprint
Not even finished yet: work in progress
The term "near future publications" would only be appropriate for the category of accepted but not yet published work, but even there it sounds strange and unidiomatic. I have never seen anyone use this term before, and there are many better alternatives.
For any other category it is simply not appropriate at all because you do not in fact know whether your submission will be accepted or not. It would be like listing "near future jobs" on your CV simply because you are convinced that you will definitely ace the job interview.
Simply write your paper and add an arXiv preprint with the URL there. Here is an example:
Kevin Du, Lucas Torroba Hennigen, Niklas Stoehr, Alexander Warstadt, Ryan Cotterell "Generalizing Backpropagation for Gradient-Based Interpretability" arXiv preprint,
If your intention is that they are preprints intended for later formal publication, I'd list them as "Work in Progress".
Another alternative is to list them as "Unreviewed Publications", though I'm not sure I recommend that. But it is accurate if you consider them finished and don't intend to submit them to a publisher/conference.
The former is a definite plus if you are seeking employment. The latter may have issues.
In a "Work in Progress" section you could mark those that are "nearing submission" as such. But it is (IMO) useful to also have some projects there that are in their earlier stages.