I am currently a fourth-year undergraduate at a prestigious university (top 10) and am finding myself in a difficult situation with a professor and do not know how to proceed.
For context, I was unable to complete two of a professor's courses because of health issues related to my documented disability. On both occasions, the professor allowed me to submit my assignments at a later date. I took these courses in Spring 2022 and Winter 2023 and received grades of a B+ and A-, respectively.
However, the professor submitted these grades only this month without providing any feedback. Moreover, he took a year to grade my performance in one of his courses.
I found the B+ grade anomalous since I dedicated a whole summer writing the papers for the course, and received a third of a letter grade lower than I did for his most recent one. In my opinion and the opinion of others (peers, family, etc.), those papers were some of the best I have ever produced, and I intended to use one of them as a writing sample for future job prospects. Lastly, I have never received a grade lower than A- in my entire college career, and I plan to apply to law schools.
I sent a grade appeal letter to the professor asking him to review the papers to determine whether they merit a few additional points or, at the least, provide feedback so I can understand some of the papers' serious flaws.
He has not responded to my appeal letter after a week and a half. I sent him a follow-up email with the same result.
At this point, I do not know how to proceed and would appreciate some advice.
P.S.: I cannot meet with my professor in person because I am currently at home since I have completed all the courses necessary to graduate. I also acknowledge that a B+ is an excellent grade, but please understand that grade appeals are a part of the learning process.