I'm in very weird situation. The manuscript of my work was submitted for publication without my consent, and I am certainly opposed to the author order, because I am the second author of the article right now. According to ethical rules, the first author should be the person who contributed most to the experimental work. This study with all the experiments, obtaining data, all literature research, data analysis (except for the miRNA target analysis performed by third author), and majority of the writing process of themanuscript (except for the same part of discussion) belong to me and my master's thesis.
The person who appears as the first author in the manuscript only edited the manuscript and figure names at the end of the writing process and wrote some parts of the discussion. He also sent RNA samples for sequencing years ago. Then, I chose a specific miRNA from the data and wrote a project funded by government. Then, I conducted all the experiments without any help from anyone.
This manuscript submission was done by the first author and my supervisors after my graduation and me leaving the laboratory. I am an early-career researcher with a few experiences in academia, however, I am proud of my work, and I think I need to claim the lead.
I communicated with my supervisor that I do not agree with her decision, but she refused my idea and insulted me for leaving the group. Unfortunately, I am very aware that ethical misconducts are common in this group. Next, I sent an email to the editor. However, I didn't receive a feedback yet. I mentioned that I have all data in raw format, and they only had the figures, also that this work belongs to my thesis. What should I do?