In a French master course, I has been "forced" to offer the exam online, and without proctoring software.
The students hand-wrote their answers during a camera-on and microphone-on MS Teams call, showed quickly their text in front of the camera when they finished, and then they had some time to scan and upload it on the university Moodle-based web site. The exam was closed books.
Now, I have found that during the time they were still sitting the exam, two students went on the course site to download the PDFs, thanks to the Moodle logs. Another student uploaded an heavily "amended" version of his exam compared to the one he showed at the end of the exam...
The problem is that when I reported this to the master director, he minimised and said that it is ok, if I set a non passing grade they will go to next session... and that it was my fault to have set an online exam closed book..
What to do? Which are the "rules" for these cases in your university?
Want to know how it ended up ? The exam has been called off for all the students (all automatically passed) because, while I did declare the exam to be recorder, I didn't specify the "reason" why it was recorded (!!). And I don't teach any more in that master.