I am trying to find additional research about a certain topic. I have found one study that is specifically about this topic, and the results are very interesting. I would like to find out if any additional studies have attempted to reproduce the results.
I have tried searching online using several ID numbers found on the nih.gov site where I am viewing the original study. There are very few search results, and the search results seem to all be referencing this same original study.
I have tried emailing the author of the original study as well. To my surprise, I actually received a response, but it was short, contained merely a list of some links to "more information" about the topic (these websites were just general information), and did not respond to my question about additional studies. (To be fair, this author is an active professional, so I understand that they may not have time to email with me. I have not attempted to reply asking my question again.)
Perhaps I am not finding additional studies because there have not been any. It may also be that I am not using the correct tools/resources.
Is there an established way to find if a particular study has been replicated?
This question is intended to be generic enough that it is relevant for any study. However, for my particular topic, I have managed to find one study that repeated the original in another country. I am currently looking for more.