A few days ago I received an email from the journal Computational and Applied Mathematics
Please be informed you have been registered by our editorial team as a user on the Editorial Manager site for Computational and Applied Mathematics. Information about Computational and Applied Mathematics can be found on the journal website, or by selecting Journal Overview from the top navigation bar at https://www.editorialmanager.com/coam/.
Editorial Manager is the manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system through which individuals are invited to review, to write articles for the journal, or to process submissions.
And this was followed by another email where they requested me to review a paper of someone I personally know!
Now, I've a PhD in math but I've been outside academia for a while now (but actively trying to get back to mainstream research, while having a teaching position at an engineering college), so I've nothing against reviewing the paper - indeed it falls within my area of expertise. But I still found the whole thing a bit strange - I mean my registration in the editorial team without any prior discussion and then requesting me to review a paper. Also the work email they sent it to has never really been used much, so I wonder how they accessed that in the first place. It certainly doesn't look scammy, the paper is legit, and it came from this email: [email protected], which also seems legit.
Any thoughts on this? Once again, I'd be happy to review the paper, but the whole thing just strikes me as strange.